Do Not Provoke Me

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Camila's POV
We get back Lauren's house or mansion I should say and she tells me to get dressed nice for dinner. I go to my room and look through all of my clothes and find the perfect black dress and matching heels. It has like a cross pattern right on the chest area and is right about knee length. I put my dress on the start on my make up and let my hair fall down naturally because I had a feeling Lauren liked me better liked that which I don't even know why I'm worrying about what she thinks. I finally put my heels on and walk out of the room where Zayn was waiting for me. "Lauren told me to escort you to the dinner table" I just nodded and followed him as he led the way. He led me outback to a beautiful table set up with big candles and all kinds of food and fruit and Lauren of course sitting on one end wearing her usual black dress, slacks, and dress shoes. I'm starting to wonder if she has anything else in her closet besides black. I sit down and just smirked at her "you look-" "I'm starving" I cut her off and just continue to smirk at her and she just keeps that same no emotion expression on her face. She taps her glass and chef comes and starts to serve me, I had to stop myself from moaning in delight because it was so good and I was actually starving. After a couple minutes of silence I finally speak up "what is it that you do" She looks at me for a couple seconds I could tell she was hesitant at first but finally she spoke "business" was all she said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes "I own some clubs, restaurants, hotels things like that" "look I'm going to be here for a year I think I have a right to know what lies ahead of me or what I'm getting into" "you will know what I allow you to know. The other part of my business is...dangerous, but this was I had to do I was chosen to be head of the business and my family after my father died I didn't have a choice" I look at her for a couple seconds then say "no choice just like me." "I need your help with something" "my help? With what?" I was confused on what she could need my help with. She got up from her chair and walked over to my side and walked around my chair until she bent down and whispered in my ear "I need you to teach me how to be gentle....with you" and for the first time since meeting Lauren I seen emotion in her face, especially her eyes, her eyes told everything her face didn't or words didn't. I could see vulnerability on her face and care. She then walked backed to her sit sat down and popped a grap into her mouth and the rest of dinner went in silence but it was a comfortable silence.
After dinner I went back to my room and closed the door and I could see my laptop and phone on the bed so I hurried up and ran to the bed and opened up my laptop. I just looked at it for a minute the reached for my phone and called my mom. She picked up "mom, yeah everything is fine umm I have something to tell you though I got a offered a new job on the other side of Miami. It's such a beautiful hotel mom you're going to love it when you visit. Yeah I love you too and give Sofi and papi and hug and kiss for me." I could have told her everything and have her call the police, but for some reason I didn't and deep down I knew it was because I didn't wanna leave but I wasn't going to admit it to myself I didn't want to. This is the most I've felt in a long time, I felt free and alive. Also a small part of me knew it was because of Lauren something about her kept me wanting to know more about her I wanted to figure her out she was such a mystery, even though I told myself I wasn't going to fall in love with her which I wasn't I could feel some type of feeling towards her I just didn't know what it was. I change into my black silk night gown that Lauren had bought me earlier that day and climbed into bed, exhaustion finally overtaking my body and I fall into a deep sleep with green playing in my dreams.
I woke up to Lauren sleeping peacefully next to me. I just watched her she looked so innocent and peaceful and young. I scanned her face from her jawline to her plump lips all the way down to her stomach and that was the first time I noticed she was sleeping in nothing but her Calvin Klein sports bra. I studied her tattoos and finally I noticed the bullet wound scar on her ribs, I went to go touch it but my fingers just hovered over it finally I just shook my head and climbed out of bed. I look back at Lauren then at the huge walk in shower that was right in front of the bed and smirked started walking towards the shower while stripping out of my night gown. I go into the shower and turn on the water with my back facing Lauren and I knew she was watching me.
Lauren's POV
I woke up right when Camila was walking into the shower and I couldn't help but stare at the goddess before me of course I wasn't going to say that out loud. I get up and undress and head into the shower myself I take the spot right next to her and rest my hands and head up against the wall. I could feel her eyes on me it was like my skin was on fire. "We leave to Cancun today we're gonna be there for a week we have to go to some parties and I have some meetings so consider that when you're packing your bag" I told her, but she wasn't saying anything she was still staring at me and I could feel myself losing control or wanting to lose control "do you want something from me or are you just gonna keep staring?" She wasn't saying a damn thing and I could feel the anger coming up because she knew I wasn't going to touch her and she was teasing finally I get off the wall and walked towards her "then why are you looking at me? Do you wanna touch me Camila huh?" After I said that she comes close to me puts her hands around my ass and pulls me closer to her. I couldn't help but let her do what she wanted to do. She push's me up against the wall so I'm right under the shower head and she looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes those eyes could kill and she puts her hands on my chest and slowly starts to go down until she reaches my v-line then she stops and turns around and starts to walk away. I couldn't help but get angry so I grab her by the back of her neck pull her close to me so close that our lips are inches apart. "Babygirl when all your life you take everything by force, it's hard to react differently especially when someone answers the pleasure you desire." "Do not provoke me" "or what?" Was all she said and right then and there I knew I was hooked she was like a drug and even though I haven't tasted it yet I was already addicted.

Don't forget to listen to the "I See Red" playlist on my Spotify while reading the story!! It makes it way better.
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Love you babes 💛- MK
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Twitter: jaureguicovennn
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