Boat Scene

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A/N: smut ahead y'all lmao. To make this chapter better listen to my 'I See Red' playlist while reading or listen to I See Red by Everyone Loves An Outlaw.

Lauren's POV
"Don't play with me" I told Camila while she started unzip my pants and pulled them down. She started to kiss my v-line and I couldn't help but let out a moan. Her lips felt like fire on my body and I wanted more.
I gripped her hair while she started to kiss down to where I needed her the most. She was teasing me and I had enough of the teasing so I pulled her up and smashed our lips together in rough and hard kiss. Kissing her felt like literal sparks, it felt like taking a drug, a drug that I wanted to taste everyday for the rest of my life.
I pushed her down on the bed and I looked down at her beautiful body and licked my lips. She was smirking up at me and couldn't help but smirk back. I climbed on top of her and started to kiss her again rough and hard. She kissed me back with just as much aggression and passion.
I started to kiss down her neck while pushing my thigh up against her wet core which turned me on even more. I bit down on a spot on her neck and she threw her bed back while letting out a moan and I wanted to hear more of it, it quickly became my favorite sound. I started to kiss down all the way to where she needed me the most.
I kissed the inside of her thighs leaving my mark. "Please laur" I couldn't help but smirk up at her I decided I've waited long enough so I attached my lips to her dripping sex. She let out a loud moan while arching her back and gripping the sheets. It was my favorite sight and I wanted to see it more often. "Fuck!" "Keep going babe" so I did I continued to suck her clit and I stuck two fingers in her. "Oh my god!" I started to speed up my hand movements and lick her clit until I started to feel her walls tighten around my fingers. I kiss back up all the way to her neck and whispered in her ear "let go babygirl I got you" she gripped my back and scratched all the way down and let out a final moan while she was shaking and cumming all over my hand.
We were far from over. When she finally came down I flipped her on her stomach I bent down and whispered in her ear "we're far from over babygirl."

Camila's POV
I couldn't help but let out a moan when she told me that I wanted more I hadn't been with anyone in so long and let's face I was falling for Lauren and I wanted every inch of her. I was laying on the bed on my stomach with my ass basically in the air. I seen Lauren walk in front of me and go to the dresser and pull out a 9in purple strap on. The image of Lauren fucking me with it just turned me on even more and I wanted her even more. She put it on in front of me and walked back behind she came down and whispered in my ear "do you want me babygirl?" She was all I wanted and I wanted her bad "yes laur I want you bad." With that I felt her enter and I couldn't but let out a scream because of good it felt. "Are you okay?" It was cute that she was trying to make sure I was okay but I didn't care about any of that right I just wanted her right now. "Yes laur now shut up and fuck me!" I didn't have to tell her twice because right when I did she pounded all the way into me and it felt like heaven. "OH FUCK! YES!" "Faster laur" she started to speed up and go faster and she started to go harder. I gripped the sheets and moaned. She grabbed my arms and pulled them back with one hand and pushed my head down with the other and started to go even faster. "Fuck" was all she kept saying and I was moaning and screaming into the mattress.
She pulled up and turned me around and put my legs over her shoulder and started to kiss me with such passion. "Fuck Camz" I couldn't help but smile at the nickname it was different but that's what Lauren was she was different but a good different. She put her face in my neck and gripped her back. She hit a certain spot which caused me to scream out and scratch down her back. Before I knew it I reached my second climax but I knew Lauren was still not done and I wasn't either.
After I came down I got Lauren off and started to walk out of the bedroom and turned back and smirked at her. "Are you gonna just lay there or are you going to come fuck me on top of the deck?" She didn't have to be told twice because she hurried up and followed me and we climbed all the way onto the top deck and started make out. She pushed me down gently on the floor and started to suck on my neck and I knew she was gonna leave marks but I didn't care I'm hers and I knew she was making that known. She entered me in surprise and I couldn't help but let out a gasp and she took that as an opportunity to kiss me and enter her tongue. We couldn't focus on kissing because she was going hard and fast to the point we were both moaning in each other's mouths "ahhh fuck me hard laur!" "Fuck babygirl you're so wet" "ima fuck you so hard babygirl."
I was in ecstasy Lauren was a drug and I wanted to stay high on her all the time. I don't how it happened but some how we ended fucking on top of the table that was on the bottom deck. She had her hand around my throat and my legs over her shoulder and she was pounding into me hard and fast and I was moaning and screaming mess but I didn't care I was high off Lauren and Lauren was making me feel good real good.
We went back into the room and it was my turn to take over I pushed her down on the bed and climbed on top of her and started to kiss her. I went from her lips down to her neck where I left my marks and I couldn't help but smirk at and I whispered in her ear "you're mine Jauregui and only mine" with that I continued to kiss down to her toned stomach I left marks down her stomach. I finally reached the strap on I smirked up at her and sat and lined myself up with the strap and lowered myself down onto it. I couldn't help but throw my head back in complete pleasure and Lauren released a moan "fuck baby" I rested my hands on her chest and started to go up and down on the strap "mmm fuck laur" "keep going camz fuck"
I started to get tired and I think Lauren because she sat up and wrapped her arms around me and started to pound into me. Again I threw my head back in ecstasy, I looked into Lauren's eyes and she looked into mine and with one more thrust we both reached are climax "oh my god lauren" was what I moaned and Lauren kept going until I came down. I rested my head against hers both our chest rising and falling fast. We're both soaked in sweat and hot but there was no where else I would be. "That was...amazing" Lauren said "it really was laur I- I don't want anyone else laur I only want you" She looked at me with so much emotion I didn't even She was capable of it. She nodded and spoke "I only want you too Camz...forever" and with that I couldn't help but kiss her but it was different a good different it was gentle and filled with so

A/N: okayyy I know this fucking sucked this was literally my first time ever writing smut okay so don't come for me 😂 I tried to make it the best I could and I'll probably edit and make it better later on but I hope you guys liked it. I love you guys endlessly💕

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