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Lauren's POV

I don't how long I was on my knees just sitting there on the hard floor. It felt like I couldn't breathe, I could literally feel my heart breaking piece by piece.

I didn't even feel like this when my father died I haven't felt like this in years I couldn't even remember the last time I felt this broken. But I guess when you're in love with someone and you lose them forever the pain is unbearable.

I pulled out of my trance when I heard my phone ringing for the millionth time. I finally decided to answer it. I look down and my heart stopped it was Camila's number it was her name and picture.

"Camila!" "Baby are you okay oh my god!!" "Lauren it's me Dinah!" "Dinah is she okay please tell me she isn't, sh- she's not dead."

"She's fine she's here in the hospital right now she got shot in the stomach and lost a lot of blood I think you should come down here. She's in surgery."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." I hurried up and went to get Mario. "Mario!"

"What!? What happened?" "Camila, she's alive she's at the hospital in surgery right now. We need to go."

We hurried up and go into one of my cars and sped off to the hospital. Now that I knew she was alive my blood was boiling I was gonna find out who did this and kill them with my bare hands.

"I want you to get who did this to Camila and take them to the room. I'll deal with them later."

"Do you even know wh-" "we both know who did this and why they did it." And he knew I was right. He nodded and went on his phone to make a call.

We finally pulled up to the hospital and I ran out of the car before it could even stop. "Dinah!" I hurry up and run over to where she's sitting. "What the fuck happened?! I thought she was dead Dinah!" I could feel tears forming but I quickly blinked them away I never cry in front of anyone I don't cry period.

"I- I don't know what happened Lauren. One minute she was on the phone with you and we were going through a tunnel and she was complaining she lost signal. Then there was a road block and the car stopped and next thing I knew gunshots were being fired and Camila was out of the car bleeding on the floor."

I felt my anger increase even more hearing what happened. Then I thought about Zayn. "What happened to Zayn?" I already knew but I needed to hear it he basically was my best friend which says a lot cause I don't have friends.

"H-he d-ied. He pushed Camila out of the way and took the rest of the shots there's nothing they could do."

All I felt was anger and sadness which I haven't felt in a long time the last time I felt sad was when my dad died in front of me.

We sat in the waiting for another 2 hours before the doctor finally came out. "Camila Cabello?" Me and Dinah stood up right away.

"That's us." Dinah said. "And you are?" "I'm her wife and this is her sister." I hurried and said. "Okay well good news is she'll be just fine, she did lose a lot of blood but she will recover just great. She's lucky too it missed her right lung by an inch she's a miracle really."

I let out a breath that I had been holding in since I walked into this place. "Can we see her?" Dinah asked right away. "Yes you can she's asleep right now but you both can go up and also we're gonna be keeping her here for a week just to keep an eye on her and everything. She's in room 727 whenever you're ready."

With that we thanked her and we made our way to the elevator to get to the 7th floor. When we walked in my heart ached at the sight of her.

She looked so pale from the blood loss and so tiny in the huge bed. She was hooked up to a whole bunch of wires. Even though it was a hard sight to see she looked so peaceful it was a big difference from her usual cocky self always making trouble.

I didn't know why this sight was so hard for me I had seen some really messed up things, I had done some messed up things to people but this, this hurt my heart so much.

It was because she was the love of my life and I had swore to protect her and I failed.

Me and Dinah sat in the room for about an hour until Dinah finally got up. "Ima go stretch my legs and also get something to eat. Want anything?" "Just a coffee please" she nodded and walked out.

I was holding Camila's hand. Until I finally broke. I cried like I've never cried before and even though I felt weak and stupid I didn't care.

"I'm so sorry baby I-i was supposed to protect you and I didn't. You got hurt, y-you almost died and it's all my fault."

"I love you so much and I can't lose you, but I'm willing to let you go if that's what you want after you get out of here. I-I should've never brought you into my lifestyle around all this danger. It should've been me not you baby and I'm so sorry." I sobbed to her and put my head down on the bed and squeezed her hand and sobbed into the blanket.

I felt a squeeze back and my head immediately shots up. I looked up into beautiful brown eyes that I feel I haven't seen in years.

"Baby oh my god you're okay! You're awake!" She smiled at me it was weak but it was there. I hurried and her a kiss on the lips. My tears making it salty.

I felt her hand come up to my cheek and she wiped my tears away as I rested my forehead against hers.

"I-I love y-you and I-I'm not going anywhere. Y-you and me forever."

I couldn't help but let out a happy laugh and cry at the same time. "Me and you forever babygirl."

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