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Jeongguk didn't realize that there was more to the ocean than he thought. He looks around with astonishment written on his face. 

He's so in love with the ocean that he's feeling slightly troubled by his decision to leave. 

He shouldn't be thinking this way, he's come so far.

Jeongguk is too lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realize that Yoongi stopped swimming. Jeongguk accidentally stumbles into an old, sunken fishing boat. 

Jeongguk's eyes widen with excitement. Trying to get closer to the abandoned ship, Yoongi pulls him back, shaking his head. 

He points in the direction where they should be going.

They discreetly swim around the boat, avoiding it at all costs. Jeongguk looks back to the abandoned boat, wondering about the stories it holds.

"We're here.", Yoongi says, pushing aside the vivid green sea grass dancing with the currents. Jeongguk pokes his head out through the opening. 

There's a dark cove in the middle of the clearing.

"Don't be scared, Joon is kind. He understands, unlike some people who use you." 

Jeongguk stares at Yoongi for a while, wondering whatever happened to him before to make him this bitter about living life.

Yoongi swims ahead of them and whispers something to the void of the dark cove. Jeongguk and Jimin stare at each other before following after Yoongi. 

"He's a bit salty, don't you think?" 

Jeongguk nods his head, Jimin verbalized what he's been thinking.

Yoongi beckons them over after a few moments. The two hesitate. Yoongi sighs before swimming into the void. 

Concerned for their friend, they had to follow right after him. 

Inside the cove, there were vials upon vials of coloured liquid. The walls were adorned with beautiful blooming flowers, and other things Jeongguk didn't know about. They must have been from the surface.

Yoongi was talking to the person they presume as Namjoon, who was laughing over a cauldron. 

Yoongi was laughing along with him, that was one of the few moments that Jeongguk has ever seen Yoongi express another emotion besides irritation and disappointment. 

So, he can be normal around other people, he thinks.

"Come in, come in! Welcome to my little humble abode, lovelies. I'm Namjoon, the witch who will help you all reach your dreams. Yoongi is a long time friend of mine. I'm glad to be able to help you all for him. So you all want to be human, right?"

They all nod. 

Jeongguk nods enthusiastically, "I want to be human so that I can be with the one that I love!"

"You want to be with the one that you love?", Namjoon asks, giving Yoongi a side glance. Yoongi doesn't do anything, just keeping his eyes locked on Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk nods his head again, albeit less enthusiastically, as if he said something wrong.

"The one that I love is a human, who tames the waves with his instrument. He's handsome, tall, has broad shoulders, and the most alluring gaze. I want to learn everything about him. I want to see the world that he sees." 

Namjoon nods, rubbing his chin with his index and thumb.

"Ah, that human took your heart, didn't he?"' 

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