Chapter 28

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A nudge was given, and he slowly woke up with this. Eyes looked up and Percy gave him a look that told him they need a talk. Whatever it was, had to do with him and he felt nervous now.

"Since when?" His head tilted and he gave the male a puzzled look. That was until he took the wrist of his and he winced and avoiding his gaze. "So since when?" It sounded soft spoken yet stern as he asked this once more.

"Two months after his birth, couldn't handle it anymore. He-well he was so similar to you and I got overwhelmed. I stopped after Nico and I had talk but..." His gaze still avoided, and he felt ashamed now, but it was something that he just couldn't change anymore.

"Hikaru..." His voice sounded soft and sadden. Soon he was pulled into a hug and starting to sob into his chest. It still was a touchy subject, and none so far really talked about his death. It was just that even 19 years almost 20 years now, he never ended to get over it really.

He slowly calmed down but even now he was still emotional. It would take for sure longer to get better. Percy for sure wouldn't leave him now out of his sight and that was something that he noticed. Because afterward he was watching him like a hawk.

He was even more affectionate. It was not that he minded it but he would almost would have followed him into the bathroom, wouldn't it be for him to giving him a glare and telling him that he doesn't want this. It worked and he was glad, but he really was getting frustrated with him watching him constantly. He gets it that he was meaning well, and he gets it that he was concerned thinking that he would do it again, but this was going on for two months straight.

So that he muttered a spell in the morning, after giving a message in old Greek that he was visiting his father and feeling way freer now.

"Did something happen?" That was the first thing his Dad asked, and he let out a groan.

"Two months now. Two entire months that Percy is watching me like a hawk. I get that he is worried that harm myself again, but he tried to even follow me inside to bathroom." A huff went out and he banged his head down at couch, too frustrated. Even when trying to explain it, the male just seemed not to get it.

"Did you-" His glare shut him up and Apollo put his hands up in surrender. "I get Poseidon and tell him to talk to his son then." A relieved expression overcame him, and he looked around. He may as well visit the other gods.

His Dad left him by now and he starting to walk around. But no god was be found, until he ended up at the meeting room with Percy in front of them. It made him feel awkward and kind of weird. Because he for sure had intrude something. His first instinct was to flight or fight and he ended up subconsciously thinking a teleportation spell.

But he ended up in a tropical jungle per accident. The thing was about this that the more distance it was from where he used it the more energy draining it was. Well, this was bad. Really bad. So that he had no idea where he was, no energy to use this spell at all and no idea what he could eat and what was not eatable.

"Grr." A growl was behind him and he slowly turned around and swallowed thickly. In front of was a tiger but a way bigger tiger. His brain blanks. All he could do was stare at the massive tiger. Which was coming nearer and nearer. So that he starting to back away slowly. But the tiger followed.

//What do I do? What do I do? What the hell do I do!?// His mind repeated the same question and he paled.

"Grr." Another growl escaped and he felt terrified. But what he wasn't expecting was a spear ending up in the middle. He picked it up and starting to be loud and swinging it in front of the tiger. It seemed to intimidate and starting to run away.

Adrenaline left by now and he plopped himself down breathing heavily. His gaze staring to feel burry and then everything was black...


Eyes slowly opened and he had to close them for a moment. When opening them again, he was panicked. He was at a stranger's home. Or when you can call a some tent a home.

Still it was making him feel really panicking. So, what does someone who panics? He dashed outside, eyes darting around and adrenalin once more in his system all that matters is escaping from whatever this place was.

He starting to dodge people but soon was caught by two female's. He struggled against their grasp and right now his hearing was fuzzy and all he could hear his heartbeat. Three people held him down and he whined and not liking this. Fear entirely making him still struggle. Then a fourth joined.

"......Thalia......" It was all that he could register and soon he stopped struggling realizing that these were the hunters of his Aunt. His breath was fast, and he could still hear his heartbeat thundering in his chest.

"You back?" The huntress asked and he slowly nodded. His mind slowly registered that he had stirred up the entire camp and he felt bad for this.

"Hikaru? Wait what does he do in the Amazonas?" His gaze went over to Artemis now. The female looked both surprised and concerned as well. But he still was a bit too shaken up to answer.

"We were haunting and well seen him slowly backing away from a tiger. Ended up fending it off but falling unconscious." One of the girls said and he breathed out and slowly sitting up now. At least he was somewhere safe.

"Sorry, I panicked and thought I was caught or something." Why he wasn't sure, but his brain just decided to feed him these ideas.

"That explains why you were dodging us left and right, but it doesn't explain why you were here." This time Thalia talked, and he felt his cheeks heat up now.

"I panicked when walking into the room and every god being there with Percy. I thought I was intruding something and may have used a teleportation spell on my mind without realizing it. Ended up right in front of this tiger." His voice sheepish and Artemis blinked and chuckled soon. The others of the group let out a sigh.

"Well your lucky then. Do you think you can use that spell again or do I have to call my brother? Her voice first sounded relieved, yet amusement still was heard.

"I think I can use one more spell." She nodded and he gave a bye before using the same spell once again and ending up straight into his bed. So, he rolled himself together and falling asleep soon afterward too exhausting to stay awake.

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