the day we met

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My familiar and I had been wondering our new surroundings, i had packed my few belongings and left our small village in search for answers. Camelot, the place where I'll find Merlin. I heard stories of him from my father, father had said Merlin would have the answers so here I am wondering the grounds of Camelot.

"Khaleesi where do you think he'll be?" Lexi my familiar asked me from my bag.
"I'm not sure, I know that the king has made it law that all magic is illegal so please baby girl stay low for now" I said pushing her head back into the bag. I had yet to know the punishment of being a witch.

I walked down the stone ground passing many towns folk, greeting them as I go by.

"Oh dear you have a beautiful dress!" One of the towns ladies said grabbing ahold of my forearm. "Oh um. Thank you kindly" I said looking her in the eyes, she gave me a soft smile. "I must know where you got it from my dear" she said getting closer, to close for comfort. I pulled away slightly and dusted my skirt off. "Oh I made it myself ma'am". She looked at me with a puzzled eyes "wow my dear! You have amazing skills" she said with an excited voice. Soon after her husband called her and she let me leave.

 Soon after her husband called her and she let me leave

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I soon found a stand that was selling food.

"Hello ma'am what would you like. We have some fresh bread and our daily soup, we also have some cookies and pastries." The man behind the small wooden shop said with a small smile.

"The bread and soup would do fine sir. So you happen to have any fish or know where I could find some fish?" I asked him feeling me bag in my back move at the mention of fish.

"Just down the road to your right ma'am" he said handing me my food after putting down the amount he needed. "Thank you kind sir" i said grabbing my things and heading my way. Once I was fair enough I felt Lexi's head on my shoulder. "Yes... yes you'll get your food. Now get back in there, you have a tendency to do stupid stuff." I said nuzzling my head into hers.

Before I could keep walking I walked into someone's back making myself fall backwards landing on my ass.

"I'm so sorry miss" a lady with beautiful brown hair said holding her hand out to mine. I looked up to her hand and grabbed it. As our hands touched her eyes went black and my head started to hurt. It felt as if she was in my head. Within seconds she let go of me and I fell back to the ground. She looked at me with a shocked look.

"Come with me dear" she said turning on her hells and she clasped her hands together. I grabbed all my belongings and made sure lexi was ok before I raced to her side.

"My dear why have you come here?" She questioned me still looking straight a head. "To find Merlin ma'am" I said grabbing a hold onto one of my bags straps. "Now why are you looking for him?" She looked to me. "My father always told tales of him. He said that merlin would be able to tell me the truth" I said walking next to her with a careless walk.

"Who's your father?"

"May I ask something before I answer. It's only fair" I said putting a hand to my head in a questioning look. She nodded her head giving me the silence.

"Who are you?" I said turning my gazing back to infront of me, seeing that we were heading closer to the castle entrance.

"I'm morgana, sister of Arthur" she said with a soft smile. I remember hearing that name before. I realized that this was Merlin's lates apprentice.

"Ah morgana your back" one of the guards said throwing his head back and a nice friendly Manor. "And with a friend"

"Ah yes. Do you know where Merlin is?" She asked him.

"In his studies with Douxie" the old gourd said leaving.

Morgana led the way to Merlin's study and with each steps my anxiety grew and grew scared to know what had happened to my past.

Walking into a room with 2 other people standing off to the side talking away not realizing we were there.

Morgana made a coughing nose to gain their attention. Once gaining it Merlin noticed that I was standing there.

"Oh my dear, I haven't seen you since you were small" Merlin said coming my way. "Ah so you do know her" morgana said walking farther into the room. "I don't remember you sir, I've only ever heard stories of you" I said standing tall in my spot. I looked around to see my surroundings and I saw that my familiar was out of his bag and was playing with a black cat.

"Ah that's a shame dear. Why have you come" he said standing in front of me.

"My father he was killed. He told me to find you" I said looking him in the eyes. His face feel a bit and he turned his body away a slowly walking away.

"I'm sorry Khaleesi. How was he killed?" He asked me grabbing a few books off the a shelf. I noticed that the other person in the room with us must of been Douxie, the one the guard had mentioned. He looked to be 19, tall with black hair in what seemed to be in a ponytail.

"It was late at night, I heard loud crashing coming from the downstairs and before I knew pa was telling me to hide and keeping running until I find you. I never saw who killed him but my house was burnt to the grounds" I said as a tear went down my face. Lexi had came to my side and started to nuzzle her head into my legs in a comfort way.

Merlin looked puzzled for a second before he sat the books down and opened them to a page and turned it to me. Morgana stood by my side and looked to the page herself.

"This may be hard to hear Khaleesi but your father isn't your father. You we're given to us from the stars, you are to be the balance between good and evil" he said showing me the page that was written in ancient writing. There was a drawing of a baby, the baby laid in silk and had tears in her eyes, the moon in the center of her forehead that glowed.

"You were given to us to help keep this world at peace. A witch of light and dark, you pull the power of the stars at your will. Born from no man and to keep man kind safe." He read the page aloud. I was to say the least scared, scared to have this much power on my shoulders. I looked around with panic I found my eyes slowly land on a new pair of eyes, eyes that would make anyone's hearts stop beating. I felt myself calming before I knew it.

"You will become Morgana's apprentice and you'll stay here my dear. Douxie show Khaleesi where she'll be staying" merlin said leaving the room with Morgana following behind. I turned to see that the the black cat and Douxie standing not that fair from me.

"You must be Douxie" I said standing with my arms behind my back. " that's me my lady" he said giving me a big smile. "Oh please don't be so formal with me, all I've heard today is, my lady this, my dear that, miss this and miss that. Please just call me Khaleesi or Khal for short" I said in a ranting way.

"Ok then khal follow me this way" Douxie said walking past me with a smile on his face.

I hope you like this. I promise it will get better as I go. Please ignore my grammar mistakes 🙏🙏

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