wedding day part 3

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We entered the party hall to see everyone already in there. I saw that Claire had changed into a shorter dress so she could dance and eat easily in it, she was dancing with Jim, Jim was dancing all crazy like.

"Ah lady Khaleesi, this wedding was amazing, claire said you helped out so much" Blinky said walking up to the both of us, who had been standing by the entrance, hand in hand. "This is such a beautiful set up, and the wedding was beautiful!"

"Ah yes, I helped claire with a lot of her planning. You know how claire is, everything needs to be done just so. But I mean it's her wedding so I had no issues in helping" I said giving blinky a hug. "And yes but the wedding was all Claire and Jim Blinky. It was beautiful." We parted ways after talking for a bit.

Douxie and I headed our way to the table full of food, we had Claire's favorite and famous guacamole, obviously their family secret recipe. There was also pizza, tacos and burritos, claire wanted to go very random with the food selection so that everyone could have what they wanted, and yes even the trolls had a pile of garbage and socks.

"Come babe our table is over here" Douxie said after he had grabbed our plates, he knew exactly what I wanted so he made me a plate as well. We walked to table 1, closets to the married couple.

Time skip*

It was time for Claire and Jim's first dance, they were dancing to 'Turning page'. They were absolutely the cutest couple that had ever existed.

"One day lovely, that will be you and I" Douxie says whispering into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my back and rests his head on my head. What he had said made me blush deep red and stutter over my words. He kissed my head and we stood there watching them dance before others joined in. We joined in and danced for what felt like hours.

We were slow dancing together, I could see Jim's mom with strickler, Aja with Steve, krel was dancing with Marry, many other were dancing as well.

Douxie spun me slowly, pulling me close to his body as he gave me a deep passionate kiss, I gladly kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck, the kisses lasted a few more seconds until we pulled away and he rested his forehead onto my forehead.

"I love you so damn much Khaleesi" he says to me, just above a whisper. "I love you too Hisirdoux" I say kissing him again before pulling away.

We all danced and had an amazing time, laughing and talking the night away, they all were so happy and free like.

I left the dance floor to get myself a drink of lemonade and Douxie followed a little behind me. I instead left the party room and went to the empty hall way, Douxie shut the door behind us.

I turned to him as I kept walking backward, I gave him a soft smile as he followed me, with a craze look in his eyes. At this point I was against the hallway wall that was in the corner of the big hallway that lead to the dining hall.

My heart was racing as he pinned me against the wall and brought his mouth to my neck. "You look so hot Khal" he mumbled into my neck, with a soft bite making me let out a soft moan. I blushed and struggled to push him off in embarrassment. He pushed me harder against the wall and kept leaving soft kisses up and down my exposed neck.

I let out a heavy, hot breath as I squirmed against him. My leg rub against him and I could feel him getting hard against me. I let out another moan, this time in his ear to make him go crazy. I could feel his hands on my hips grip me tighter as he let out a moan and a nip to my neck.

He brought his lips to mine and we made out for what felt like forever but was only a few minutes. His hands slowly went up my dress and traced circles on my inner thigh, making the butterflies in my stomach go off. He moved his hands to my thong and slightly pulled them down. He teasingly traced his fingers at my entrance before pumping two into me slowly as he kept kissing me. I moaned against his lips as he fingers went in fast.

We stoped immediately when we heard claire on the microphone getting everyone to gather. We both gave each other a shocked look, this had never happened before, Douxie wasn't against PDA but he never did this. He gave me a smirk before walking back into the part hall, leaving me a hot mess. I quickly cleaned myself and ran in.

All the girls were standing behind Claire who was holding her flowers, ready to do the traditional wedding toss. I joined in just for the fun of it.

"Ready girls!! Who will be next?" She said as she turned around ready to toss it over her.

"Me!" Mary yelled out jumping around.

"No me!" Others were yelling and pushing as I stood still in the middle.

Soft Lute kind of music could be heard as claire bent down to throw it, everyone got ready as I stood there waiting. Claire was about to throw it before she turned around and walked to the crowd. Everyone around was confused, claire had a big smile on her face as she stoped infront of me and handed me the flowers, I could hear many people gasp.

I looked at her confused as I took them in my right hand. Claire turned me around and I saw a Douxie on one knee with a velvet box in his hand.

I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a shocked squeak. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as my heart picked up speed.

" I've been wanting to do this for every Khaleesi. I've loved you for 900 centuries,  and I wanna live 900 more with you beloved. I knew you were the one from day one my queen. Please make me the happiest wizard on this plain beloved?" He said with tears in his eyes.

Many of the guest who we've known for years had tears in their eyes, many were softly clapping and I could see Tobey recording.

I let out a soft happy cry and a few breaths

"Yes Hisirdoux" I said with a big smile on my face as happy tears streamed down my cheeks. Everyone cheered for us and Douxie put the ring on my finger and brought me into a big kiss and hug. Everyone was cheering and getting g drinks to celebrate, as they left us have our moments.

I looked down and saw the most beautiful ring I'd have ever seen. "Do you like it beautiful?" He mumble as he kissed my forehead.

"It's so beautiful handsome. I love it so much. I love you so much!!" I squealed out as I jumped up and down in his arms. He gave a soft laugh and brought me into a tight hug again.

"Is this what you were talking to jim about?" I questioned him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yes gorgeous" he said giving me a kiss and we parted to go great everyone who wanted to congratulate us.

"Yes gorgeous" he said giving me a kiss and we parted to go great everyone who wanted to congratulate us

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I will be editing it in the morning I hope you like.

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