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I rubbed my head in pain as I put the used dishes into the coffee shops dishwasher. I had been working none stop all day, busting tables, taking and making orders and doing the general coffee shop work. This time though I was on my pireod, and my pierod makes me physically and mentally ill. I looked up to see Douxie coming my way with a big smile on his face.

"Hello beloved, I'm sorry I'm late, ran into some trouble." He said planting a kiss to my forehead, making me groan out in pain. "What's wrong love?" He says moving to give me a look over to see if I was ok.

"Yeah, I just am in so much pain" I say grabbing my stomach as I put one hand onto the counter for support. "Have you taken your brake love? I'm here now you can rest" he says pushing me to sit down on one of our comfortable chairs, I took this time to rest my eyes, I slowly dazed off.

I woke to someone gently shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Douxie in front of me. It had only been about 20 minutes and a few customers had left leaving it almost empty.

"I made you some tea to help ease the stomach and then I made you a hot water bottle and a bean bag. If I may say so I used some of my magic to make it so that it doesn't get cold on you." He says showing me the drink he made me that was rested on the side table as he handed me the bean bag and hot water bottle.

" I ummm didn't know what one your want, so I made both. I also grabbed you some snacks. You have chocolate, candy and some donuts and cookies." He says placing them in my lap. "And finally here are some headphones my queen. Please rest, I'll take over your shift my love. Theres only an hour left for you and I can manage." He says packing a kiss to my lips and forehead.

"And don't 'but Douxie' me" he says as he's about  leave to go work. "Thank you so much my love" I say as some tears come to my eyes. Hes always so helpful and understanding.

He gives me a soft smile and another kiss to my head before he left me to rest and wait his shaft out.

Time skip.

Douxie pov*

Khaleesi pireod was always bad on the first two days and I swore to myself to always help her out and comfort her when shes in pain. I hate seeing her in pain🥺

Once I left her to rest, I saw her get comfortable and put her headphones went on her phone. She snacked on most of the treats and soon passed out. It was only 6pm and the shoe closed at 9pm, so I got straight to work.

I couldn't keep my eyed off of her, she was so cute when she was off in her own little world of hers, and when she sleeps she ever so often will scrunch up her nose in the most cutest way, she was distracting if I say so myself.

Around 8:30ish no one was in the shop so I took the advantage of ordering us some delicious pizza and some of her favorite comfort foods and drinks. I texted Jim to see if he would be able to drop that stuff off at my apartment so that I could surprise her with a cute night time date.

Soon after it was time to close the cafe shop and head home. I locked everything up and went to wake Khaleesi up.

"Baby girl, wake up" I say as I leave kisses all over her face. Her face scrunched up and she let out a soft little grunt of annoyance.

"5 more minutes" she mumbleds as she wraps her arms around my neck, knowing full while I'll pick her up. I lifted her and cared her out the door, shutting and locking it on the way out.

Khaleesi pov*

He shut and locked the cafe shop as I warped my legs around him and rested my head into his neck. This would happen a few times, where he would carry me home from work or Jim's house. He never minded it, he actually really loves being able to do this for me. He'll normally walk us to our apartment and helped me get ready for bed on the bad days.

I fell asleep in his arms just before getting to our place.

"Khal wake up" I hear him say in my ear. "I have a surprise for you" He says laying me down on our bed.

"When did we get home" I say with a small stretch, I opened my eyes to see myself on a cute little mattress and in this beautiful fort he had made or should I say Jim had made.

"When did we get home" I say with a small stretch, I opened my eyes to see myself on a cute little mattress and in this beautiful fort he had made or should I say Jim had made

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"Douxie omg this is so cute" I say throwing my arms around his neck forgetting forgetting pain in my side.

"I also have pizza" He says looking down all handsome like.

"I also have pizza" He says looking down all handsome like

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"I absolutely love you!" I said kissing him. He gave a soft laugh in the kiss as he returned it. "I love you too beautiful, now get into comfy and get your cute ass back here" He says as he pushes me to the bathroom and stated to put in our favorite movie.

I giggled and ran off to the bathroom to get ready for our movie and pizza night. After 10 minutes in the bathroom I returned to see Douxie in his pajamas and all relaxed under the blanket.

"I've told you how much I really love your pj's, right babe?" I said giving him a big smile as I walked his way.

He looked down to his reviled chest and boxers. "Oh theses things" He said giving me a smile he threw his arms out to get me to cuddle him. I got in next to him and rested my head on his chest as I grabbed a slice of pizza for him and myself as he played How to Train Your Dragon.

"I love you beloved, you and I always" He said kissing my head before I drifted off to a painless sleep.

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