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Violet and I cheered alongside my brother and parents at Will's football game. Our team was winning, by a lot, but that didn't lessen our cheers. We would root for him the entire game. I glance at the scoreboard and it read that there was about a minute left for the game. I watch as Will throws Harry the ball and Harry runs as fast as possible. I didn't know much about football so most of it was lost on me but I did support my brother and his friend. Harry scores one last time and the crowd goes wild for him.

The five of us make our way down the bleachers once the game was over. Violet was chatting my ear off about how well Liam did and I happily listened along, I was happy that she and Liam were getting along so well. She's liked him for so long.

"My baby boy!" My mom shouts, engulfing my older brother in a hug. I look at Ben and he just shrugs, unbothered by the comment. I tell Will what a good job he did and Violet did the same. I look around and spot Anne and Gemma, Harry's family. I nudge my mom, pointing at the two women. A grin spreads across her face.

"Anne! Gemma!" The two women look over and see us. Anne hugs my mom and the two start catching up. Gemma greets the rest of us, our mothers too caught up in catching up.

"How have you been?" I ask her and she starts going off about her husband and baby girl while we waited for Harry. I glance over for a split second to see Harry talking to a few girls I know of. I feel something twinge in my chest but I ignore it. I see him saying goodbye and turning towards us which makes me look back to Gemma quickly.

"Harry! You did so amazing!" Anne focuses her attention on her son. You could see the adoration she had for her son and it lovely to see.

"We were all going to go out to dinner to celebrate their win, would you guys like to join us?" My mom invites the Styles family eagerly. All three agree with bright smiles on their faces. All of us walk towards the parking lot. I say goodbye to Violet so she can go find Liam and congratulate him.

- - -

I take my seat next to Ben and across from Harry at the restaurant. It nice to be sitting near people who would actually acknowledge my existence. I look over at Harry and see he's already staring at me. My phone vibrates which makes me jump.

harry: hey friend :) we're sitting near each other, friend :))

I roll my eyes, locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket. The waiter comes over and takes our order. We all tell him our drink orders before he walks away. Everyone goes into conversation with the person closest to them.

"You did really good at the game." I tell Harry, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thanks." He smiles at me, it looks like he's blushing? I try to ignore it as Ben pulls my attention away from him.

"So what time is your show tomorrow?" Ben asks, chomping away on some breadsticks.

"Uh, six. Are you coming?" I ask, hopeful. He's really the only person I cared about coming to that thing.

"Duh! I might bring a friend along though." Ben winks at me and I grin, knowing who he meant.

"You have a show tomorrow, honey?" Anne suddenly asks, and I look over at her. She has confusion written all over her face.

"Yeah, an art show. I'm showing off four pieces." I explain and her face shifts from confusion to happiness. I always idolized Anne since she owned an art gallery. She's my role model, who I want to be in life.

"I'll have to come by and see them! You said it was at six? This is so exciting, sweetie."

I feel my cheeks warm up from becoming the center of attention. Anne was always so encouraging with my art, especially since she could tell I wasn't getting any encouragement from my parents.

"Of course, we'll be coming too." My dad butts in, looking at everyone at the table. My mom was nodding along with my dad.

"Great." I mutter, suddenly wishing the subject would change. They're just going to come and point out any flaws from my paintings and then leave early.

"I might just have to come too, I've always loved your drawings from when you were younger." Gemma compliments me and I smile, silently thanking her.

"So it's settled, we'll all be at Chelsea's art show tomorrow at six. That includes you Harry." Anne gives a pointed look at him and he just raises his eyebrows like he doesn't have a problem with it.

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