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Everyone stares at me as I walk into school with Harry, Will, and Ben. I furrow my eyebrows, trying to figure out if there was something obviously wrong with me. I spot Violet at her locker so I make my way over to her.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I ask her and she turns to me with a shrug.

"Not sure. I've been kind of distracted lately."

"With a certain someone?" I wiggle my eyebrows and she laughs, nodding. We stop laughing as one of the baseball player, Jackson, whistles at me and eyes my body up and down.

"Seriously, what is going on?" Violet asks, shutting her locker. I shrug and we start walking towards my first period. We pass the bathrooms on the way to my class and I see a picture at the entrance to the boys bathroom that makes me stop. I gasp at the sight of a picture of me in my bra. I snatch it off the wall and Violet gasps too.

"Who the fuck did this?" I whisper, crumpling up the picture and throwing it in the trashcan. I spot another one farther in the bathroom. I ignore the protests of Violet and rush into the bathroom, not caring if it was the boys room or not.

A bunch of guys start yelling, some complaints and some crude comments, as I enter the bathroom. The entire room is filled with the same picture, me in my bra. I mean it was kind of hard to tell it was me unless you stared but I knew it was me.

My entire body goes numb and I can't move from the spot I'm standing in. Someone clears their throat behind me and I finally turn. I see Jacob in the corner of the bathroom with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. My blood boils, realizing he's the only person I ever sent a picture like that too. I clench my fists, my nails digging in my palms.

"Take them down, Jacob." I say to him, glaring. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.

"No, I think I'm good. I mean if you're slutting around with the football team, it's nothing everyone hasn't right, right?" He laughs at me and starts walking towards me. The guys in the bathroom start egging him on.

Something snaps in me and I lunge at him. I punch right in the nose and his nose starts dripping blood. I start shoving him back, pushing him against the wall.

"What the fuck?" I hear Will's voice above all the yelling that the other guys were doing. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I fight whoever's holding me back.

"Your psycho!" Jacob screams at me, holding his nose. Under all that cockiness was just a big coward.

"Let go of me! I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!" I yell, escaping the person's hold. I get close enough and kick him in the balls while he's shielding his face, thinking I'm gonna punch him again. The person wraps their arms around my waist again, a stronger hold this time. I see the familiar curls, realizing its Harry holding me. He and Will drag me out of the room while Jacob cradles his wounds.

I spot the principal, Mr. Brown, coming our way. He looks extremely pissed off. He tells the three of us to wait here while he goes into the bathroom. He ends up dragging Jacob out of the bathroom by his arm.

"You four, come with me." He tells us all and we all follow him silently. I finally notice the sharp pain in my hand and I bite my lip, trying not to cry. I feel like I broke something.

All four of us end up sitting next to each other silently while the principal starts yelling at us, wanting us to explain what happened.

"Ask Jacob, he's the one who started it." I narrow my eyes at him and he holds his hands up, like he was the victim.

"I'm the one bleeding here!"

"You deserved it!" I shout, holding onto the arms of the chair with my hands, trying to hold myself back. He rolls his eyes at me, muttering a 'whatever'.

"Ms. Peterson, please tell me what happened." The principal says to me and I sigh, crossing my arms.

"Jacob put a bunch of pictures of me in my bra in the boys bathroom and called me a slut. How else was I supposed to react?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know, ask him!"

"Jacob? Care to explain?"

"I don't see what the big deal is, she's fucking everyone on the team anyway. Plus she hit me!"

"Where are you getting this information?! Can you just get over the fact I dumped your ass? God."

"Calm down, Chelsea." Mr. Brown says to me and I scoff. "Harry? Will? Care to add to the story?"

Will shrugs, not saying anything. Harry was staring at the floor, his hand is on the arm rest, gripping it so tightly his knuckles were white.

"Fine." Mr. Brown sighs, holding the bridge of his nose, trying to think.

"Harry, Will, you can go. Chelsea, a month of detention. Jacob, we'll be calling your parents for this one."

"Why am I getting the worse punishment?"

"Jacob, I can't even begin to explain how what you did is going to get you in serious trouble. Yes, Chelsea did hit you, but it was an act of defense."

"Hah!" I say, pointing at Jacob.

"Chelsea, I do not need your commentary on this. You're all excused except for Jacob."

Will, Harry, and I make our way out of Mr. Brown's office in silence. The woman at the front desk writes us all a note for our classes, excusing our tardiness.

"We're talking when we get home." Will tells me before heading off for his class. Great, can't wait to deal with that. Harry and I start walking in the opposite direction of Will, towards English.

"So? Why did Jacob do that?" Harry asks me, staring at the side of my head.

"I don't know. He thinks you and I are hooking up and for some reason that makes him mad. He doesn't have the right to get mad considering he's the one who-" I stop talking, realizing I was about to admit to him cheating on me.

"He's the one who what?" Harry asks, coming to a halt. We were outside of the classroom, about to go in.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." I sigh, turning the doorknob to go into class.

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