t h i r t e en

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I groan, rolling over so that I wasn't facing the sunlight that was beaming in my room. My head was killing me. I slowly open my eyes, blinking a couple of times to get used to the light. I see the present Harry got me on my bedside table. I forgot I never opened it.

I sit up and put it on my lap. I yawn, stretching my entire body before opening it. It was a small envelope so I wasn't sure what it could be. I open it and see that it's money, about a hundred dollars. I furrow my eyebrows, seeing a tiny card in it. It has something written on it.

Remember I was your first customer

I throw my comforter off of my body and getting off my bed. I'm hoping Harry ended up staying over last night so I could ask him about this note. I take a look in the mirror before I go and realize I slept with my makeup on and my costume on. I take a couple of minutes to change and wipe my makeup off.

I leave my room and see the mess that was left behind. I know it's not as bad as it could have been but I was not looking forward to cleaning it. I open Will's bedroom door and spot him passed out on his bed but no Harry. I rush down the stairs and see a couple of Will's friends passed out on the couch and floor as well as Violet and Liam. I turn when I hear the front door opening, Harry was walking in holding two coffees and a paper bag.

"Oh, hi. I got you coffee." He holds a cup out for me and I gingerly take it. I take a sip and it tastes like a hazelnut latte, my favorite.

"Thanks." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as my cheeks start burning.

"Wanna go outside?" He asks me and I nod, following him silently to my back yard. We sit on the furniture that was outside. I cross my legs, shivering. He hands me his jacket and I thank him, sliding it on. He was wearing a heavy sweatshirt under it so I didn't feel too bad about wearing his jacket.

"Thanks for listening to me last night. I appreciate it." I say, circling the rim of my cup with my finger.

"It was no problem. I'm here for you, Chels."

I pull the money and card out of my pocket, remembering why I was looking for him in the first place. He was taking a sip of his drink when he saw the present he gave me.

"What is this?" I ask, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

"I wanted to buy one of your paintings. I wanted to be your first customer." He explains and I grin.

"I could have just given you one, you know." I say and he waves me off.

"You deserve to be paid for your art, it's amazing."

"Well, thank you. Which one did you want?" I ask him, taking a sip of my coffee. He pulls out two muffins from the paper bag before answering me.

"Your self portrait, it's my favorite."

The two of us keep talking for an hour, just talking about random things. At some point I end up laying my legs on his lap and he was massaging my legs. I don't even think he realized he was doing it either. I liked it though, it was comforting.

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