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"You've got to be kidding me." I say with my arms crossed. Will sighs, already annoyed with me.

"Just get in the back seat, Chels. Stop being so dramatic."

"I'm not getting in the back seat! Harry can get in the backseat! I'm not sitting in between your two meaty, sweaty football friends." I scoff and the two football players in the backseat just roll their eyes at me. Ben was studying with George at George's house so Will offered two of his other friends a lift after practice so now I had to sit in a small car with four sweaty guys.


"This fucking sucks." I mutter, shoving Harry's seat as close to the dashboard as possible so that it hurts him. Why did Will have to get a two door car? I struggle climbing into the backseat, trying to hold my skirt down while I get in between the two football players. I huff once I make it into the seat.

"This smells like a boy locker room." I complain so Will turns up the radio louder, to drown out my complaining. "Screw you too."

The ride home takes an agonizing thirty minutes because we had to drop off the two players at their houses. After the second gets out of the car I take a deep breath.

"Jesus fucking christ, I can finally breathe." I exaggerate, inhaling loudly.

"God, I can't believe you're my sister." Will mutters and I kick his seat and he yells at me.

Harry is coming over our house today so I only had to be in the car with them for another ten minutes. Will parks the car in our driveway and jumps out, trying to get away from me as fast as possible. Harry takes his time climbing out of the car and moving the seat so I could get out.

My foot gets caught in the seatbelt as I climb out of the backseat, making me fall. Harry grabs my arms, pulling me up.

"You're clumsy."

"Don't talk to me, I'm gonna drop kick you if you say one more word to me." I glare at him, straightening out my shirt.

"What? No 'thank you' for helping you up?"

I start slapping his chest, pushing him away from me. I don't hit him hard, I don't actually mean it. He laughs at me, grabbing my wrists.

"You're weak."

"Say that to the dent in Jacob's head." I huff, yanking my arms away from him. I bend over, grabbing my bag from the ground. "Stop looking at my ass."

Harry holds his hands up in surrender and I push him away from me, stomping up the steps to the front door. Harry follows me, slamming the car door shut behind him. Will was already in the house, getting snacks for him and Harry.

"Throw me a juice box."

"What are you, five?" Will asks me but throws me a juice box anyway.

"Don't hate because I have taste." I walk past Harry and race up the stairs so I could take a nap.

I kick off my shoes once I'm in my room and throw my bag onto my desk chair. I fall onto my bed with a groan as there was a knock on my door.

"What?" I say as Harry comes into my room. He throws banana on my bed and I raise my eyebrows.

"Brought you a snack."


"I wanted an excuse to talk to you." His honesty makes my eyes widen. I sit up and lean against the bed frame. Harry takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I was just thinking...if we're going to be friends, it should probably be on the down low. I don't think Will would appreciate if we became friends."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, Will is kind an asshole when it comes to you and I." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So you admit we're friends?" Harry says with a bewildered look on his face. Oh no.

"No! No I did not." Harry starts laughing and tries to give me a high five.

"Give me a high five, friend."

"Shut up." I groan, rolling over so that my face was on my pillow.

"Hey, the roses I got you are on your desk." Harry remarks and I turn my head to look at them.

"That you got me?"

"I mean we, my family."

"Right, your family."


An awkward silence consumes us and I try not to look at him. Did he buy me those flowers or was it his family? I mean he wouldn't make the kind of slip up if it was his family would he? Does that mean he has feelings for me or something?

"Harry! Where are you?" My brother calls him and he stands up, heading for the door.

"See you later, Peterson."

"Bye, Styles." I grin, sitting up again. His hand wraps around the doorknob and he swings the door open. Just as he's about to walk out of my room, he stops to say something else.

"Cute froggy underwear, by the way."

I gasp, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him. He shuts the door faster than I can throw and the pillow hits the door. My face heats up thinking about how he saw my underwear when I was getting in Will's car.

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