e l e v e n

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It had been a week since the photo incident and I have never felt worse than I did during this past week. My self esteem has been at an all time low and I've had no energy to talk to anyone. I don't know why that problem triggered me so much. Maybe it was that or maybe it was the fact that when I got home Will yelled at me about how much I embarrassed him and blaming me for what happened or how my parents had to come home early because the principal had called them and yelled at me for ruining their week.

I was laying on the bleachers next to Ben who was trying to comfort me. He knew how I had been feeling this week and knows nothing he says really helps, he knows he should just needs to be there for me. Right now we were waiting for Will and Harry's practice to end.

"I'm sorry you had to blow off George tonight." I mutter and he just strokes my hair.

"It's okay, he understands. He likes you, by the way."

"Good, I'm glad. I like him. You better treat him right, ya hear?" I smile and he laughs, nodding at me.

"I also didn't want you to have to have another awkward car ride with Will. He was a real douche about what happened. Victim blaming is never the answer."

"I don't really consider myself a victim. It just sucks that Jacob did that." I say, watching Jacob running along the field. Of course, he didn't get kicked off the team he was one of the best players but he did get detention for a long, long time. I look over at Harry and see him getting yelled at by the coach for being off his game today. Harry is just staring at Jacob.

Harry runs back onto the field, ready to do a mock game with his teammates. I watch him as he runs towards Jacob who's holding the ball. He slams into Jacob as hard as possible which causes both Ben and I to stand to our feet.

"What the hell was that, Styles?!" The coach yells as Jacob groans on the ground. Harry stands up, brushing some grass off of himself.

"Sorry, coach, guess I don't know my own strength." He yells back, looking over at me. The coach goes over to Jacob to examine him.

"Smith, go get the nurse! It looks like his nose is broken."

Harry smirks at the statement while no one is watching. Everyone is focused on Jacob. The coach yells at Harry to go sit on the bleachers. Harry rolls his eyes and starts walking towards us. Once he was close enough, I tossed his water bottle at him. He catches it and winces, rolling his shoulder.

"Are you okay? What was that?" I ask Harry as he takes a seat next to me.

"I'm fine, thanks. That tackle just messed up my shoulder a little."

"Again, I ask, what was that?" I furrow my eyebrows, trying to see if his shoulder was actually okay or if he was just putting on a brave face. Ben is looking at Harry now too, curious as to why he hit him so hard.

"I just kept thinking about what happened last week. What Jacob did was petty and uncalled for and I kept seeing red every time I looked at him." He explains to me and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You didn't have to hit him so hard." I scold him and he looks at me with a confused look on his face. "But I appreciate it and he did deserve it. I just don't want you getting in trouble."

Harry waves me off, explaining how he wouldn't get in trouble since he was one of the best players. I didn't trust that he would get zero consequences but tried to ignore the feeling. The coach walks over to us with Will.

"Styles, you're done for the day. Get out of my sight."

Harry nods, standing to his feet. Will walks silently to his car with us. He was obviously mad about what happened since he was Harry's ride and now he couldn't practice more.

- - -

I placed the ice pack on Harry's shoulder and he thanked me, trying to relax. I bit my lip, worried about him. Will was no help at all, he just stormed up to his room because of how mad he was at Harry. George had called Ben so Ben was now upstairs in his room. I put my hand on his arm so I could put more pressure on his shoulder with my other hand that held the ice pack. I could see his cheeks turning pink.

"I'd say Will is mad." Harry says to break the ice. I laugh quietly, nodding.

"He'll get over it, he's just childish." I say as if Harry hasn't known him for twelve years. My phone vibrates and I ask Harry to check it for me.

"It's Violet, she wants to call to talk about your birthday party. Your birthday is in two weeks?" He asks me, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, October thirty-first."


"It's gonna be a costume party." I tell him, taking the ice pack away from his shoulder to look at it. It was bruising a little but I think he'll be fine.

"Am I invited?" He gives me a cocky smile and I lightly shove him, careful not to hurt his shoulder.

"Shut up. Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods, thanking me for the ice pack.

"Really, though. Am I invited?"

"Of course you are, friend."

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