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Today in English we had a substitute teacher so no one was really paying attention to the assignment and just chatting. I could feel Harry's stare on me since the beginning of class but I refused to look at him, too embarrassed to look at him because of what happened at the art show. My phone had been vibrating a lot too and I was just trying to focus on my essay.

"Hey, Chels." Jacob says to me in passing, trying to go back to his seat. He had just gone to the bathroom.

"Shut the fuck up." I say instinctively and he actually looks hurt from my words. I roll my eyes, trying to ignore him. Once he got the memo I wasn't going to say anything to him again he went back to his seat.

"Cold hearted." Harry says and I finally look over to him. He raises his hand in surrender. "He deserves it." He adds and I nod in agreement.

"Are you okay?" He asks me a few minutes after his remark, once he realized I wasn't going to say anything.

"I'm fine."

"You ran off crying on Saturday. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I said I'm fine."

"I mean, you don't have to be okay, you know. It's okay to be upset. Your parents do suck."

"Harry, I'm fine. Leave it alone, please." I beg him and he nods, dropping the subject.

"So, friend, tell me some thing about you. You're not as annoying as I thought you were going to be."

"Okay, that's not how friends talk to each other first of all. They don't call each other annoying." I  say, crossing my arms.

"Fine, sorry. But tell me something."

"Like what?"

"Favorite color? Movie? Book? Show? Food? Song? Anything."

"Okay, yellow, Ten Things I Hate About You, Twilight, The Office, I'd have to say pizza with black olives, and Just A Little Bit of Your Heart." I nod, thinking seriously about my choices. I'm confident in my decisions, I have to say.

"Twilight is your favorite book?" Harry laughs at me and I scoff at him.

"You don't know true art. Plus the book is better than the movie and it was the first romance book preteen me read so shut up." I playfully push him and he continues to laugh, loudly. I, unfortunately, look behind me for a second and see Jacob staring at us. I choose to ignore it and ask Harry his favorites.

"Okay, um, orange, The Notebook, Love is a Mixtape, The Office as well, tacos, and Space Cowboy." His eyebrows furrow, he is obviously thinking very seriously about his choices.

"I'm sorry, you're making fun of me for twilight when you chose the notebook?" I laugh and he waves me off. "So you're a romantic."

He shrugs at my statement and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. At that point, the substitute teacher has his breaking point and starts yelling at the class.

"Ms. Waters is going to be very disappointed in you all! I have never met another class so disrespectful, she'll be hearing about all of this. Now, all of you do your assignments!" He goes off on a rant about how disrespectful our generation is. I look over at Harry and he just rolls his eyes at the teacher, making me laugh quietly.

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