How It Started <3

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Autor note:
Please this story literally sucks for better content go scroll down my other stories 😭

It's been some time... since the Grom I mean.... and everything seemed to go well but it actually didn't. Well, you know... it's been some time and Amity seems to be ignoring me. I don't know why. I don't know what I did or if she has just other things in i mind I better don't get involved in. Like, when I'm about to walk in class or I'm just around the school's corridors she always see me and turn around or ignore me. Just... why? Did I do something wrong? OH GOD WAS I A BAD DANCER???? OR MAYBE SHE JUST THINKS IM LESBIAN. OH NO. What am I supposed to tell her? I don't even know how to start. I always say like hi and how are you but in two seconds it gets really awkward and we both walk away. I feel... really bad. I've also noticed that she don't seem good at all. When she goes to the Hexide on the morning she always seems like she didn't sleep or something. She stays alone and sometimes she sleeps in class. I've NEVER seen her ignoring a class. She always wanted to be the best. The top student. But now it seems like nothing matters to her.
Today, I decided to go talk to her about this. She can't avoid me all time. And she's NOT OK. So she needs to talk to someone. That someone have to be me. Not like she opened much to other people.
This morning I was walking in the corridor still drowning in my thinks when I realized I bumped to someone.
"Sorry!" I rapidly apologized to them not even knowing who I bumped to.
"Luz it's fine haha." I heard a familiar voice. Ah Willow.
"Hehe I'm sorry Willow. I- I wasn't thinking. (Or maybe I was thinking too much)" I whispered the end.
"Ok now, what's wrong?" Gus asked me from behind.
"Hehe nothing I'm just overthinking" I said.
"No, something's wrong. We're your friends. We know. So what is it? Is it Amity?"
Willow asked.
How the-
"How do you know?"
"Well, since the Grom you keep talking about her and it seems much like she's avoiding you for some reason." Willow pointed helping me to take a book from the ground. I think I was blushing so damn hard. I found my face heating up at that comment.
"I know! I am gonna talk to her about this! I can't stand seeing a friend in pain like that."
I heard Gus giggling a "friend". I just ignored it.
"Well, good luck though. And careful, you know how Amity is fragile to people" Willow said.
"Yeah...." I just turned around and walked away.
I noticed Amity going to the Bathroom so I followed her.
I found her washing her face. She seemed so off.
"Amity" I started
"Wha-! OH LUZ... h-hey"
Was she... BLUSHING? For a second I got contact with her eyes but then she looked away. Her eyes are so beautiful- WAIT WHAT
"Uhm hey Amity.... a-are you... oK?" I asked. OH GOD HOPE I'M NOT BLUSHING. *gay panic*
"Yeah I'm fine" she just kept throwing water to her face still blushing.
"NO YOU ARE NOT!" I kinda screamed.
"luz look, IM FINE! N-no need to worry...."
"But I'm already worried. Just tell we what's wrong with you and I'll help you out ok?"
"No Luz, you can't help. Just leave me alone."
"I won't leave unless you tell me what's wrong! I don't want you to avoid me all time!"
Oh god what am I doing....
I suddenly pinned her to the wall blocking her arms.
She was blushing so damn hard. And I don't know how long I'm gonna keep her, she is much stronger than me.
"Amity I care about you and it brakes my heart to see you this tortured and upset and afraid. I can't stand you avoiding me. Is is the Grom? Are then your Parents? Speak to me!"
Her face was inches away from mine.
I heart a muffled "ok"
And then she pulled my head closer to her. I can feel my checks heating up when our lips connected. I felt an explosion of emotions from my chest as I grabbed her shoulder. Her lips were so soft and warm. It took me some time to realize all these sensations and I didn't have any time to kiss back her when she pulled away. We were both blushing really hard and our faces were a dark shade of red. She pulled me away and quickly ran away. She left me with a "now you know".
I wanted to ran after her but I was stuck in that position just amazed of everything. I didn't even know how to start a conversation and talk about what happened... or how I felt.... I didn't even want it to end. Oh god was I even lesbian? No no no how am I supposed to tell my Mom? She's gonna freak out. But I feel like I did right. I don't know really. I have to think about it. As I was stuck on the wall with my hand covering my mouth breathing fast as my heartbeat, Gus and Willow walked in.
"I really shouldn't be here..." Gus whispered. Willow just got closer to me.
"Luz what happened?! We saw Amity running fast out of the school.

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