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"Congratulations agent 007" you have been promoted as agent 002,said the head officer of KIA.
"Thank you so much, sir.It really means a lot to me."
"Dont be silly you deserve it but now you have to take the responsibility of agent 002 and its huge i hope you understand it"
"Yes sir"-y/n said joyfully
" sir, may i come in?" another manly voice spoke as soon as y/n heard it she turn around and saw that a boy was smilling beautifully at them." look who we have here the top agent of kia"
"Agent 001:park jimin"
As soon as the boss said that thing another deadbody was found. The police informed the head officer and boss turn to the new two promoted agents who were smilling at each other.
"Another deadbody is found.The case is going out of control.As the top agents i hand over the cases to you to and the third top agent lisa."
Jimin, y/n and lisa was already at the neeting room as boss will be here to discuss about the plan.. Lisa and y/n
were talking as they were childhood friend and jimin was staring at y/n time to time.He always had feelings for her but he was too afraid to confess.As long as y/n would smile at him that was enough.A call came from the head quarters and y/n received it.
"Hello,agent 002 of kia speaking. How may i help you?"
"Agent 002,come with your group faster.Someone has killed boss and left a note which says;
...Stay away,love.I am watching u........

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