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Y/n was at the Cafeteria. She was crying in lisa's embrace. Jimin saw all of this even if it breaks his heart he was quite happy that they finally will be together.
Jimin:lisa i want to talk to y/n alone.
Lisa:y/n are sure that you will be ok?

Y/n noded her head and sit straight.
Jimin:y/n,i just want to tell you that even if we will be married.we still will be friends and dont worry i will not take any step without your permission.I know that i have feelings for you but i swear.....

Y/n didn't let him finish his line and hug him tightly.
Y/n:I know jimin,i know that you love me and maybe I'll not be able to return your feelings but i swear ill try my level best to do th things a wife should do.I'll not let you down.

........................ Parking lot.........................
Yes baby i am coming home dont worry. As soon as he said that he got stabbed.
Jk:Why? I needed to kill someone to warn my love.Don't worry I'll let you rest in peace.

After that he wrote something on the body and sent it to the kia headquaters.

Jk:Time for you to know how obsessed i am,love......

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