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Next Day:

Yn was thinking that how she should get out of this 4 wall room . She was feeling so desperate to get out from this house,from Joshua's life . She just wanted to go to Jeonghan ,get him out of that dark house and live her whole life with him.She knew that Joshua doesn't love her ,the feelings he feels for her is not love it's obsession .Nothing else. As  she was thinking the door opened revealing Joshua's personal bodyguard.

Bg: Mam,sir told me to tell you that he is going on a mission .He will be back after 1 week and he couldn't tell you cuz he had to go rn and didn't had the time to come home.

Yn; Not like I care anyways.

Bg: umm ok mam ,i will take my leave now

Yn: yea

Yn couldn't be more happy .1 week ,she doesn't have to see the monsters face for one week .No one knows how much happy she is right now.The only thing she have to do rn is go to that house and bring Jeonghan with her. She misses him so much.She wanna feel his hug,his kisses everything.

after having breakfast yn got ready to go to get jeonghan.

Maid: Mam , sir told us not to get you out of this house.

Yn:what did you say?Did you just tell me what to do in my own house?

Maid: mam i

Yn: do you thing your sir will keep you alive if i tell him that you misbehaved with me?

maid: mam i am just fullfilling my duty

Yn: Ok so lemme call Shua and tell him.

*pretending to call Joshua*

maid: mam mam i am sorry .You can go.

*Yn gave her a glare and left the room*

Yn: Ah finally.


i was in my hotel rom after finishing half of the works.I still need to alot of the work in the morning so I should rest rn but I can't even stop thinking about yn ,i miss her so much. I just wanna hug her rn .So i decided to call my maid.

Maid: annyeonghaseong sir.

js: where is yn?

Maid: sie she is outside.


Maid: But sir mam told me that she talked with you and y-you gave her the permission to go outside.

Js:: what she told you this?

Maid: yes sir.

*I cut the call.Ah Yn it hasn't even been a day and here you go not listening to me.Why can;t you just listen to me, Wait where did she go? Maybe to get Jeonghan? if yes get ready for the Joshua you are gonna face love .This time I won't go easy on you,I promise.

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