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...................Jungkook's place..................

Yn was tied up with a rope on the chair she was half awake.Suddenly a bang sound came and yn saw light.There he was the most wanyed criminal and serial killer in the history was standing infront of her.She felt so much rage that the criminal has guts to keep kidnapped an agent from kia.

Yn:you son of a biscuit,soda.Why you have kidnapped me you biscuitt.🤬

Jungkook was looking at her shooked as he didnt expect that yn will behave like this but he decided to go with the flow.

Jungkook:If i am a son of biscuit and soda then you are the daughter of the most beautiful people.

Yn:I know that you, you are the person who gave a threatened to chanyeol right. I will freaking kill you biscuit.

Jumgkook:Oh no love you cannot kill me. I think its time to give you the medicine.

As soon as he said that he pushed something in her body and she lost her sence.

Jk:Hey,jeonteety but what did i gave to her?

Jeonteety:It will ruin the excitement biscuit.

Jk:ok, but promise me that i will be the first person to know.

Jeonteety:no,my first reader will be the first person.


Jeonteety:young man if u dont go right now i am gonna change this into a jimin ff and trust me i can do this.

Jk:nono. Byeeee.

Jeonteety: Aishhhhhhhhhhhhh


Lisa:jimin cool dowm

Jimin:How can i?He took my girlfriend infront of my eyes.I think someone is betraying us from kia.

Lisa:why do you think so?

Jimin:I dont know i just felt it.

Lisa:no no it isnt true.noone is betraying believe me.


Jimin mind: Why is lisa acting like this.something is wrong.Wth are you yn. I am missing you. Please come back.

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