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As soon as we heard that boss was killed,we quickly went to the head office but there wasn't any kind of evidences only a note and a red rose.
Jimin:agent 002 what do you think
it was the serial killer?
Y/n:I don't know the killer never leave rose.
Lisa:But the killer always leave notes.
Jimin: chanyeol,where are the cctv cams?
Chanyeol: sir,they arenot working
Chanyeol :sir,this rooms cctv was seen blank from yesterday night.
Lisa:that means all of this was planned.
*chanyeol is the ps of boss*
Y/n:humm,but why red rose and this note
Jimin:and what's the meaning of stay away,love?
Y/n:He's trying to indicate someone.
Suddently y/n got a call from her fiance eunwoo.They have been engaged for 2 months.
Y/n:Hey baby.How are you?
As soon as y/n said baby jimin's eyes started to get red due to the jealousy.
Y/n:baby i will call back later ok?love you too,love.
Suddently jimin left the room by slamming the door. Everyone looked at y/n but y/n was still shocked.She never saw jimin this angry.For her jimin was the funny mood maker type.
Y/n: what happend to him?
Lisa:seriously y/n you don't know that he loves you.
Lisa:Every one knows it.
"Agent 002 agent 003 another deadbody was found.There was a note written .... I love you........." said another officer.

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