☯︎ vector

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panic flooded over kairi , bad thoughts swarming his mind . he immediately began running down the hill towards the creek at full speed...but while doing so he didn't notice the big ol tree branch that had fallen near the bottom of the hill .

he tripped over and practically flew into the water ; he may have been a track star but the kid had no experience in swimming whatsoever .

"AAHHH ! NOOO !! HELPPP !! SOMEBODY HELP !! PLEASE !! AAHHHHH !" he yelled, kicking his feet and flailing arms , struggling to stay above the water . the body of water was pretty deep for a creek , 6 feet and some inches , and it didn't help his case at all being 5'4 in the middle of the currents .

soon enough he couldn't stay bobbing above the water anymore and was submerged , his world slowly turning to black .. but then some large tan figure came swimming his way ; but before he could make out what it was everything had gone dark .


~ mattia's p.o.v.

i was just floating in the water , eyes closed , trying to find a way relax after all the sh¡t that went down with my dad earlier ...

<> flashback time <>

i tried walking into the house as quietly as i could , cuz i knew if my parents found out i got into another fight they would kill me ... well my dad would ... literally . i closed the door softly and tried to hurry past the kitchen on the way downstairs, but halfway past it the light clicked on . uh-to-the-mf-oh .

" mattia polibio !" a gruff voice called , standing next to the light switch . it was dad of course , holding a bottle of budweiser in his other hand , lookin angry af .

" uh ...h-hi dad..." i gulped , putting my hand over my bruised eye , where hunter had punched from the fight earlier .

" don't you 'hi dad' me ! who were you out hanging with ? better have been with devin and not that lil midget friend of yours , kyle or whatever . and whatchu covering your damn eye for ?! turn around !"

"no ! dad i—" but before i could finish he walked up and yanked my arm away .

"you got into a fight ?! and it looks like you lost !! i did not raise you to be weak you lil piece of sh¡t ! who were you fighting with ?! wait...are you crying ?! you better man tf up and tell me what happened right fckin now you lil bi—"


next thing you know papa polibio's beer bottle went flying towards me , which i dodged just in time , but it shattered against the wall behind me . i yelled in surprise and looked at it, but when i turned around he had the flower vase from the kitchen counter in his hand , ready to throw .

" DAD — WAIT NO , STOP !!" i jumped to catch the vase and set it back down ; but he grabbed me and threw me against the wall . he punched me right across my face , leaving blood coming from my gums ... so before he could do anything else i pushed and kicked him off, and while he held his privates in pain from where i kicked him , i ran back to hunter's truck , driving away as fast as i could , not sure where i was going .

<> end  flashback <>

early this morning i decided to come here , and i've been walking mindlessly around then finally decided to go ahead and swim for a little bit .

about 10 minutes into just calmly floating in the water , i suddenly heard screams coming from nearby from a familiar voice....kairi ?!

next thing you knew i had to carry him out the water and perform cpr and mouth-to-mouth (which i had no problems with , tehe) and after a few tries with each , he jolted up, coughing .

"m-mattia..?? mattia !!" hugged me , and i hugged back , squeezing tight .
"i thought you drowned or something...what happened ? why am i laying here ? wait why are you here ? everyone's been looking for you !!" he exclaimed .

"whoa, whoa, slow down !! you practically just drowned and i just saved your life !! the waters not even that deep , short ass !" i said , and kairi chuckled , shoving me playfully .

"...anyways , on a more serious note... to answer your other question, i just needed to get away ... i'm sorry if i got you worried , kai ... i-i love you...and only you , with my whole heart . i have never felt this way for anyone , literally ever . and if you need me to explain anything about devin or my dad i—" before i could finish his lips were suddenly on mine, kissing me .

i returned it savoring the taste of him that i haven't done in months now . when we broke apart , he said , "we can save all the details for later . those three words were all i needed to hear , tia . i love you too , always and forever ."

3rd person p.o.v.

they leaned in to kiss again , but suddenly a familiar song from despicable me began to play near them .

"tf is that ?!" mattia questioned , looking around.
"wait, i think that's coming from my phone...oh i found it !" kairi moved some leaves that were covering his phone up and saw a picture of vector from despicable me and the name "alvaro / vector 🥴🖤" on top of the screen .

"ughhh it's alvaro ! tf does this kid want ?!"
he answered , and before he could go off on him , alvaro immediately started yelling , " KAIRI !! GIANMARCO IS AT YOUR HOUSE WITH MAIYA AND—" before alvaro could even finish kairi and mattia was already up and at em , that was all they needed to hear to takeoff to the top of the hill , racing toward hunters truck .

halfway up the hill mattia yelled " AW SH¡T ! i left the keys in my pants pocket ! they're on side of the creek lemme go and get them, you keep goin to the truck !" kairi nodded and kept goin , and after mattia got his clothes and keys they were off .


anyways 👁👅👁🔪


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