☯︎ flight 828

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~ the next day ; at airport with all the boys , sebastien , nico ,  waseem , cherry and gianaiya

mattia's p.o.v.

our first stop for our  'og jersey boys' tour is in 2 days , and we decided to go a day early to spend the day ' chilling / resting from the plane ride ' ... but we all know it was really because sebastien and gianmarco's plane leaves today and we wanted to make sure gian left and ain't try to sneak back or anything .

"are these leashes really necessary kairiiii, you're embarrassing meeee !" maiya whined .

her and gian both were forced to wear backpacks with leashes attached to it ; kairi holding maiya's leash with his other hand holding mine and alvaro holding gian's leash with his other hand holding alejandros' .

"yes now shut up and be happy that we even let you say goodbye , thanks to my plan ." kairi shot back .

" BᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ—"

"maiyaaaa!" everybody whined .

"whatttt ? you said be happy so i couldn't help it !" she and gian laughed .

"hey y'all there's a buncha empty seats across of each other over there ! we can all sit together , c'mon." cherry stated .

she was on roshaun's back cuz she was "tired of walking" and when they went to the seats he playfully threw her down . they began to play fight , with everybody else hyping them up .

"...YEAHHH CHERRY GET HIM ! hahaha ...wait a second y'all ; is that.." before robert could say, kairi finished it for him , saying "hunter !?" in surprise .

hunter looked pissed walking towards them , and there was a very noticeable scar on side of his face from his and mattia's fight .

"i'll handle this." i said, gritting my teeth together in anger .

" YO ! ya'll really thought y'all could just go that easy ? especially you , mattia ! i ain't finished fighting for what's mi—nico ? what are you— hrphmf?!!" nico had walked right up to hunter and kissed him smack on the lips , shutting him up .

everyone's jaw dropped , except waseem's cuz he already saw it coming cuz he knew about nico's feelings for him .

when they broke apart , hunter was as red as a tomato and at a loss for words . "i—you!...n—i..."

"i've been wanting to do that for so long, hunter ..i know you just see me as your best friend and all but i guess now's the time to tell ya... i wanna be more than that ...if you feel the same too.."

hunter opened his mouth to talk but maiya interrupted and said , "yesss!!! i've been shipping hico for so long now !!  yesss!!"

"maiyaaa! shut tf up !" kairi said , smacking her arm .

hunter laughed a little bit and said , "it's okay...i completely agree with what she said anyways... i guess the only reason i went for kairi was pretty much because i thought i couldn't ever get with you ; yk cuz i thought you didn't 'run that way' or whateva...but apparently and thankfully i was very wrong!"

he smiled slyly and held nico's hands in his , them staring lustfully at each other ... then kissed yet again .

"awww that's so cute ! i want someone to kiss me like that too...koff koff roshaun !!" cherry laughed , standing up on the chair . he picked her up and said , "your wish is my command queen cherry !"

"heyy if they're all kissing why aren't we?!" alvaro whined to alejandro . next thing ya knew robert and sebastien did the same and so me and kairi .

we had let go of the leashes , so maiya and gian tried running to each other... but then waseem stepped in .

"nuh-uh! if i don't have anyone to kiss y'all don't either ! olaffff ! vectorrrr !"

they looked to see what happened, but then the someone on the loudspeaker yelled , "FLIGHT 828 ! CAN FLIGHT 828 PASSENGERS PLEASE BRING YOUR THINGS AND BOARD YOUR PLANE . FLIGHT 8-2-8 !"

"our plane is 921 , so that's gianmarco and seb's . bye y'all !" roshaun said .
everyone hugged and said goodbye to sebastien but only maiya said bye to gianmarco .

"dang rat no goodbye for your lil bruv ?" gian fake pouted to alvaro .

"no puta , and i'm telling mami what you've been doin here when i get back home !"

"awww what!!?! noooo! c'mon alvaro i—"

"bye !" he interrupted and said .

sebastien took his backpack leash , waved goodbye one last time and they were off .

waseem had offered to take hunter to get his truck back from where i had left it , so nico and cherry decided to go ahead and get a ride home from him too , so just us boys were left there waiting for our plane .

"sooo...any suggestions for what we all should do tomorrow?" kairi asked me .

"actually...i think tomorrow we should just do something alone together...it's been a minute." i smiled slyly .

"like a date ? ooouuuu i of this restaurant that.."

"noooo , i thinking just us two ...in a hotel room to ourselves all day and night long .."

kairi got excited when he realized what i was talking about and exclaimed "bro where tf is our plane ?! i'm finna file a complaint this is taking foreverrr !!"

i laughed and pulled him over onto my lap , where we sat and relaxed until our plane came later on .



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