☯︎ geronimo !

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kairi's p.o.v.

" mattia , alvaro and i are gonna go through the front door , y'all four head to the back just in case ! " i said to the rest of the boys once we all got there .

we went our different ways , and once us three made it to maiya's room , i practically kicked the door in , us immediately searching the room for them .

" kairi look ! the windows open ..you think they could've climbed out ?" mattia asked . his question was answered right after by hearing maiya screech " GIAN !! " and a thud afterwards from outside the window .

we hurried over to the window and looked down .. maiya was holding on to the ladder on side of the house , (same one that kairi had left when he snuck in not too long ago) looking down at gianmarco ... who had fallen right in alejandro's arms .

"YEAH BEAT HIS ASS !!! WE'RE COMING DOWN TOO !!" alvaro yelled . he and mattia ran downstairs to the back door , while i stayed at the window.

" maiya ! get back up here right now !! "
i reached my hand out toward her so i could pull her up , but she shook her head .

"no !! mattia and alvaro just got to him too and i'm not moving till they let gian go !!"

3rd person p.o.v.

looking down at them again , kairi saw what they were doing ; alejandro and roshaun were holding gianmarco down on the ground to stop him from getting away , waseem and nico blocking the exit—with nico recording and waseem hyping them up... and now mattia and alvaro were there cussing him out and every time gian made a noise or tried to talk they'd either slap his face , kick him or punch him right in the gut .
{it's really fun jumping ppl w friends 🥰}

" you lil hard headed b¡tch !! you're gonna fall , get on up here !! and you lucky we can't fck you up too , i done told you to stay away from him ! and now we catch you and him together , not to mention with barely any clothes on ! do you want to be on teen mom or some shi maiya ? gian's no good for you ! "

"umm first of all i always wear clothes like this ! like to gymnastics and stuff .. and no i'm not , gian's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time !!"

"tf you talkin bout 'best thing that's happened to you' ?! you're literally 13 how do you know if—"

"well he's the best thing that's happened to me since i started dealing with the all the hate i used to get ! it made me feel so bad...it was mostly on tiktok and from people who I thought were my friends , and i didn't really tell anyone...but when gian found out , he helped me get through so much and eventually it died down . i really just wanted to keep that in the past and not tell anyone but... now seemed like a bad time to try and make up another excuse . i'm really sorry kai ."

maiya's eyes began to well up , and kai put his arm out again for her to grab on , and this time she did . once she was back in the room , they hugged and kairi apologized too , and explained that he was just being protective cuz he cared .

"i love ya lil b¡tch , never gonna stop lovin u . and because of that..."
kairi got up and grabbed maiya's hand, pulling her back over to the window .

"whatchu doin ?!"
"just hurry up ! we gotta break up the fight don't we ?" kairi smiled , climbing down the ladder .
maiya smiled back at him and carefully followed him down .

" don't do this maiya but...GERONIMO !!!" kairi then jumped down when they were halfway down the ladder , landing on alvaro's back , which made him fall on top of gian.

eventually the boys backed off of gian and he thanked kairi , but he told him to shut up while he got the boys in a circle and explained his plan with them .


sooo school got pushed back again fo me i don't start till septemberrrrr lets goooo😼


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