Chapter 1

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Kaylee POV

"Without Felix and Haven, everything would never be the same again"


I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. After everything my life was simple. Chan hasn't sent us on a mission in 5 years. He has a group Hyunjin was close with do everything.

As I woke up the best part of my day was to come. Every morning I got to wake up to the most beautiful man ever. Lee Minho. Not too long ago, he had dyed his hair red.

His red hair was draped over his face, his mouth slightly opened, his jawline sharp, his chest slowly falling and rising. He was the definition of the perfect.

"Good morning babe" he pushes a peck against my cheek. I move my legs but I ended up hitting one of the cats. "AHH MY PRECIOUS BABY KAYLEE WATCH OUT" Minho screamed. I roll my eyes walking away.

Today was my day to buy coffee and little sweets for everyone. This was a weekly thing so we all could make sure we kept up with seeing each other.

Once I got out of the shower it hadn't taken me to long to dry and straighten my hair.  I slid on some white air forces and black jeans and a white crop top. Cassy complained I dressed too much like a 16-year-old. I'm only 23 she acts like I'm 43.

"I'm leaving babe" I screamed before running out and grabbing my purse. I look over to see Changbin talking to Felix. There hasn't been a day for the past 5 years Changbin hadn't gone seen him once. Changbin always was telling Felix what had happened or showing him the new song he and JIsung and chan came up with. Changbin took care of his grave and would not let anything bad happen to his grave. He even had cameras just for his grave.

I was almost at the cafe when I  see someone that look liked Felix making me almost crash. He looked like a twin of Felix except for small cheeks. He also had purple hair and Felix always said how bad dying your hair was. He was wearing a hoodie that had "HELP" printed on the side.

I had to tell Chan just incase I mean you never know. We all have no clue what happened in those 20 minutes we were all knocked out. There was no way we could tell Changbin he would go crazy.

When I had gone inside the cafe this mysterious man was inside. All I could do is stare in disbelief. I might have starred just for a little too long. "Got a problem" he spoke in English his voice was deep and had an Australian accent. I was from Australia so of course, I know what it sounds like. His voice was too similar to Felix.

"Sorry, you reminded me of my friend that passed" I whispered under my breathe. His eyes went wide when my words slipped out. "Oh I'm sorry" His voice shaky and tears forming in his eyes.

My thoughts were racing at the speed of light. Everything had caught me off guard. I was confused, why did everything about him just screams Felix.

My eyes followed him out of the cafe before I ordered our coffee and food. "Hello, Mrs" The person at the cash register waved at me. I snapped back into reality and ordered everything.

I drove back home looking everywhere for this mysterious boy. Right after Felix passed it felt like I lost everything seeing someone that looked exactly like him threw off everything.

We would always meet up at Chan's place. "What took you so long I'm starving" Han jumped grabbing the food out of my hand. "Sorry I ran into an old friend" Lying so I wouldn't startle anyone.

"Chan I'm going to need to talk with you," I say as he enters the room. He nods his head and goes to grab his coffee. "What is it" Changbin anxiously walking to grab his food and coffee. "Nothing to worry about everyone's fine" I try to be as soft as possible.

After a long silence, Cassy spoke up "Y'all hoes are coming over to my place to drink tonight". We all groan at the fact Cassy is going to force us. "Babe do we have to" Jeongin complained. "If I don't see you over at my house I'm going to kill you" She stared into all of our souls. All I know is that if I don't show up, Cassy will be showing up at my place and that's not what we are going to do.

"Fine, I'll go," We all say at the same time. Cassy cheers leaving us still terrified if she's going to kill us if we don't show up. Then that's when Cassy leaned to kiss Jeongin and a full-fledged make-out session happened right at the table. Then Jeongin arms wrapped around Cassy's waist bring her in closer. While we were all sitting there like:

Chan cleared his throat making Jeongin and Cassy break apart

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Chan cleared his throat making Jeongin and Cassy break apart. "Where did my little boy go" Chan holding his heart pretending to be sad. "My poor eyes" Seungmin burying his head into Hyunjin shoulder. "Oops sorry," Jeongin said laughing making everyone else laugh.

We finished up, Chan and I headed up to his office he was barely ever in. "What's up Kaylee" sitting down and giving me a place to sit. "So on my way to the Cafe I was going as usual and I saw someone that looked exactly like Felix and the sleeve had the help he asked me why I was starring and I told him he looked like a friend I lost and he started tearing up and on his sleeve, he had help on it so I just thought it was weird and I mean we all blacked out for 20 minutes anything could've happened" I could hear Chan sniffles.

"I only want you to go to the cafe go the same day every week see if he keeps coming by and pay attention to his hoodie actually wait to go back every day," Chan says nodding. I could tell Chan was shocked by the news. "Could he be alive" Chan's head shot up. "I don't know" his voice wavering.

After an awkward silence, I decided to leave and head back over to my house. I said bye to Changbin and Chan as I left the house.



Hehe I'm so excited

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