Chapter 17

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A couple of days had passed. Seungmin has been distant but I don't blame him. Jeongin has been distant as well. To be honest, Seungmin and Jeongin have stuck together like crazy. They had grown very close in the past couple of days. Their pain caused them to bond closer than ever.

We were all sitting out in the living room when the Seungmin phone goes off. He looks at his phone and his face goes pale as a ghost. Jeongin looked over to see what it was and his face also goes pale. "What's wrong," Chan asked shooting over to them. Seungmin showed him a text on his phone. "W-why is hyunjin texting me" His voice cracked. Everyone looked back in shock.

"Huh" Came all over the room. "Um, Minho can we go out for a little drive and um seungmin don't respond it could be a trap," Chan said slowly fo make sure he's saying the right thing. Minho walks over and kisses me on the cheek and I kiss him back.

Minho POV

Chan and I had walked outside for a couple of minutes before hopping in his brand new corvette. (a/n I'll show a picture don't worry). I could see how nervous chan was but I didn't really know why.

"Hyunjin definitely isn't alive but I think it's a trap," He said his arm shaking

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"Hyunjin definitely isn't alive but I think it's a trap," He said his arm shaking. I looked at him and his eyes were watering "Why did you want me to come with you" My eyes scanning his face. "I just needed to get away from there that sounds bad but Hyunjin death could've been prevented if I wasn't such a dumbass" Chan was crying now. My heart broke into pieces knowing chan felt this way. "Look man, none of this was your fault, you can blame this on yourself Hyunjin clearly didn't want Kaylee getting hurt, any one of us would've done that for anyone in Skz and plus Jade and Felix" I rub his arm trying to comfort him. "One second let me call Kaylee alright" He nodded at me.

Kaylee POV

*Call from Hubby <3*

K: hey babe what's up

M: I might just spend the day out with Chan

K: Okay! Stay safe alright

M: We will we wi-


C: Fuck AH

K: what the f-


My heart was racing at the speed of light I had no clue what had just happened. Everyone looked at me as I was cursing under my breath. "What happened" Changbin asked. "Something happened to chan and min we have to go find them" I cried out.


Harsh chapter there mAtE

ANYWAYS sO uM what do you thinks gonna happen next?

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