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We all woke up not too long ago. I could feel the anxiety coming from everyone. This was a big deal. All of our problems and pain can come to an end. We can put Hyunjin at peace and not have his murder walking around.

"10 MINUTES" I heard Chan yell downstairs. Minho and I ran downstairs. We were all loading our guns getting ready for this big fight, Jeongin grabbed bombs. Jade walked up to Han "I'm not raising Haven alone you better come back to me" She kissed him then walked over to me "I'm not losing another best friend either" also kissing me on the check. Then it's Felix's turn to walk up to changbin "You're coming back to me if not I'm going to try and resurrect your ass so either way, you'll not die" Felix had that dork smile on his face.

"Bye guys love you" We all waved to Haven, Jade, and Felix. We all walked out to our cars. Chan, Changbin, and Han in one car Then Minho, Jeongin, Seungmin, and I in the other.

We followed Changbin to the place BTS hideouts at. As we drive up to the building my heart drops. "It's now or never," Chan says over the radio. I put my earpiece in as we all start grabbing our guns and weapons. "Let's do this" Chan said once more.

We all went our separate ways throughout the big place. Chan, Minho, and I went after Taehyung. The others were trying to take down Jungkook, Cassy, and others.

Jeongin POV

As we come upon the first room. I can hear Cassy talking. I pear into the window on the door and she's talking to herself in the mirror. Should've known she was a fucking physco. Han opens the door then walks away.

I just walk in without doing anything. Everyone whispering at me to come back. She sees me in the mirror and turns around "JEONGIN hi baby, oh how I bet you've missed me. Especially me bouncing on that pretty cock of yours" She smiles. "Seungmin still tighter and enjoyable," I say with a smile and shot her. "Oops sorry, my finger slipped" with that, I shot her 5 more times. I click on my earpiece "Cassy dead" I let out a small sigh of relief. "Yeah we could hear, not a good time but you had sex with seungmin" I heard minho over the earpiece. "Yeah, I thought I was bi and he helped me figure it out" instantly smiling at the memory. "I hear Minho voice over the earpiece "So are you" "Yessir I am and I think I like seungmin, OH SHIT HES NEXT TO ME FICK BITCH anyways carry on" I look over at seungmin and his face is bright red. "Calm down there homeboy my husband just was murdered" he came and patted my shoulder.

Kaylee POV

Chan and Minho were leading as I was guarding behind us. Then voices come over the earpiece "Jungkook was sleeping so we just killed him, we will go look for others" changbin said before shutting his earpiece off.

"There we go bingo" Chan found Taehyung. We quietly walked into the room he was hiding. "Whos there" He looked back looking for us. "You guys stay here" Chan whispered. "Hi" Chan walks out in the open. "Should've known it was you" Taehyung smiled. "Hm, that's your fault" Chan ran at Taehyung. "Use your gun dumbass" Minho whispered into the earpiece. Chan shook his head. Minho looked at me "What the fuck is he doing". I just shrugged.

Then it hit me. "Minho look those are bombs" I saw the bombs right next to us. "He's smart it could somehow start a fire if something goes wrong" Minho whispered very quietly. Chan started fighting Taehyung as we finished speaking.

"KAYLEE MINHO GET THE FUCK OUT" Chan yelled. He looked at me and counted to 3. "1..2..3" then we started running. "NO NO IM NOT GOING CHAN GOING TO SHOOT THE FUCKING BOMBS HE KNEW THE WHOLE TIMES HE SACRIFICING HIMSELF" I scream. "Get out of the building drive your car as far away as possible" Minho talked into the earpiece. Then he tried grabbing me. "IM NOT LEAVING CHAN MIN I CANT" I struggle pulling at him. Chan voices come on in my ear "Kaylee go, I love you it's okay just go" His voice sounds like he's struggling. "I CAN'T LEAVE YOU STOP" Minho was able to yank me up. I start screaming and crying. "I love you chan" I whisper.

Minho throws me into the car and drives off. Tears were falling on his face "Were gone" Minho whispered. A loud bang is heard and the building explodes. "CHAN" I scream. "THAT WAS TO FUCKING EASY IT SHOULDVE BEEN HARDER HE SHOULDNT HAVE DIED NO" I cried out. "Kaylee remember first the author is lazy and chan loved us very very much" He cried.

*Back at home*

We all got back to the house. Once we were out of the car the other 4 looked at us strangely. "Chan where the fuck is chan" Changbin panicked. "H-he sacrificed himself" I was sobbing. "NO NO NO HE DIDNT" Changbin screamed so loud Jade and Felix ran out. "What happened" Felix questioned. "It's chan he's gone" Han cried. With those words, we all broke entirely. Now we lost not only Hyunjin and Chan. Everything will be different for us from this day forward.


Fuck Happy endings JK
Next chapter is just the future
ooo how special then there will be an authors note then i'm done with this book (YES FINALLY)

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