Chapter 6

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Chan gave us a day to take everything that had happened and prepare ourselves. Tomorrow morning we had a meeting in Chan's office.


Minho and I slowly walked to Chan's house enjoying the breeze. "I'm scared babe," He said pulling me closer. I look up at him, his eyes were facing forward and not looking down at me "Why". He looks down at me "We all havent trained in years so obviously we are all rusty how the hell are we supposed to-" I cut him off by kissing him. "It'll be okay we just have to train again". He smiled and wrapped his fingers around mine running to Chan's house pulling me along.

Chan's meeting started and we all paid very close attention. "Okay so as we all know there is this man that Changbin and Kaylee think is Felix, now we all haven't trained for what let's say 5 years now so obviously we all are a little rusty and if BTS is behind this we are all goners that's when everyone dies. So we will take the next week or so to train here for now everyone moves back into there rooms here and train every day. Now you will all train in what your specialty's but we will all do conditioning and preparing ourselves physically. As usual Cassy and Jade, you cant be going to the mission, plus that's too much work bla blah anyways we must be prepared this isn't a joke, we must also be prepared mentally. Now Bin that's when I turn to you don't be kissing all over Felix first second wait till we get him alright okay, end of discussion" Chan finished clapping his hand hard. "ALSO BRING YOUR STUFF OVER RIGHT NOW" Chan yelled and we all groaned.

"Poor Chan his ears are going to have to bleed again," Minho said with an evil laugh. I looked at him with the why the hell did I marry you face, "Yeah no not us at least". Minho looked down and pouted. "Love you" Carry you the 'u' and running away.

We both grabbed clothes and essentials we needed to live in Chan's house, the wildness is back and the peace is gone. Someone save my soul. "BABE IF WE DIE FROM THEM IM GOING TO HAUNT THEM ALL" Minho screamed an evil laugh following behind his words. "PSH YEAH OKAY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO HAUNT THEM THROW CATS AT THEM" I yelled back and I heard a huge gasp from Minho "THE CATS I CANT LEAVE THE CATS I DONT CARE WHAT CHAN SAYS THERE COMING WITH" I rolled my eyes at his screaming.

"IM READY TO GO I GOT THE CATS AND EVERYTHING" Minho screamed at me. I scoffed and he heard me and was ready to fight but I cut him off "all right grandma lets go". He growls as if he's a dog and tries running and tackling me except I move and he runs into the door. "HAHA BABE YOU LOSERR" I stick my tongue out and escape him before he can grab me.

"Never mind I don't want you guys here," Chan says as we all arrive. My mouth drops to my toes "you bitch" minho whispered. We all started walking back to our house. "JUST KIDDING COME BACK IN HOES" Chan then noticed Jade about to die because of the weight and ran over and helped her.

Minho and I ran back up into his old room. I hear a big smelling noise come out of the corner of the room "ew was this what I use to smell like or did chan just come in here and shit". Chan walked in and smirked "I know you hate my manly musk so I made sure your room smelt like me" Minho mouth dropped and he ran and chased him around.

"KAYLEE" Changbin yelled my name. I ran to his room and he was sitting there and motioned me to sit on his bed. He was wearing Felix's favorite hoodie, his room had just pictures of Felix and him all over.

"I found something not too long ago and I want you to have it" He smiled and handed me something in a little box. "Felix told me all about this" I raise an eyebrow in confusion and he tells me to open it later.

"KAYLEE YOUR HUSBAND IS TRYING TO KISS MINE" I heard Jade scream. I scoffed making Changbin laugh and we headed downstairs. Minho was pulling Han head towards him trying to kiss him while Han was screaming for him to get off of him.

"GIVE ME A KISS HAN DONT BE SHY" Minho yelled starting to pull Han in closer. "OKAY MAN" He turns around and pecks him on the lips. "What the fuck" Seungmin and Hyunjin say at the same time clearly more confused than we all were.


"Jeongin sweetie you do realize we all are all right here" Cassy softening her voice

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"Jeongin sweetie you do realize we all are all right here" Cassy softening her voice.  "Yes I do actually but this just was needed" He smiles and hops around. "Chrissapointed" Chan burst out laughing and can't stop. Everyone slowly backs out and runs back to there room.

"So how did kissing can go," I say making fun of Minho. He shot a smirk at me "Really good kind of missed it from the old days". My mouth drops "yes we were a thing" I started jumping up and down and cheering. "So your bi," I ask and he nods. "Hm, I guess we never clarified that so am I though" I let out a little hehe. We skip making it to our room.

Minho hops in the shower, so I take out the box changbin gave to me. I slowly opened it up and it was a bracelet. It took me a minute to clarify what it was but I realized it was something that represents Felix and my friendship. When we first became friends I got him it because his wrist didn't look rich enough. Sounds stupid but it was hilarious to us and it's been a big thing in our friendship.

"I really hope he's alive" I mumble under my breath.

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