Chapter 9

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* Month and a half later*

"After long practices and training I think we are ready, we must plan this out accordingly so this might take a couple of days" Chan shook our hands and gave me a hug. He whispered in my ear "thank you". I bowed and hugged him back. Everyone slowly came in and hugged us and it turns into a big group hug. The last person to hug me was Minho and he rubbed his face all in my nape.

When I was walking into my room I could see Hyunjin freaking out. I ran over to him as fast as possible. "Hey hey, what's wrong," I say patting him on the back. He shows me his phone.

Unknown: Hi Hyunjin, If you don't break up with Seungmin in the next week we will have to come and capture him.

"I don't know if it's real or not but I don't want him getting hurt" He cries into my arms. "Who would be doing this" He looks up his eyes red. "BTS I don't know" Thats when it hit me of Felix isn't dead who the hell was that. "ILL BE RIGHT BACK" I yelled running to get everyone back in the living room.

"Guys who the fuck did we bury if Felix is most likely alive" Shocked expressions came to all over there face. I ran to the hyunjin room and grabbed his phone. He followed me out into the living room. Seungmin saw his eyes bright red so he ran over to him. I showed them all the text. "Bitch fuck that shit you better not leave me" Seungmin snapped his fingers. We all laugh but I quickly made it a serious topic again "I don't care what you guys say, sorry chan, but we need to dig that grave up both of them" Han's head shoots up. "I need to get Jade she's in our room.

"WHAT NO SHES NOT DIGGING UP MY DEAD CHILD GRAVE" Jade's voice echoed through the hallway. "Jade BTS could have eyes on us we need to make sure that it's actually Haven" tears filled her eyes. "I don't want to be anywhere near the body I can't see it, but they could kill all of us babe you need to think about it," Han said hugging Jade. "Seungmin already been threatened we have no clue what they know," Hyunjin said. "Changbin when was the last time you talked to the grave" Minho speaking up. "Umm last week" Jeongin slapped his face. "Sorry JEONGIN your the smart one you should've realized this dumbass" Fighting broke out between all the guys while Jade, Chan, Minho, and I all just stood there.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Minho and Chan yelled at the same time. Everyone quickly shut their mouth. "Minho Kaylee and I will go outside and dig the graves up the end of the discussion, Seungmin I'm going to need help in a little bit," Chan said sending everyone off. They all nodded and quietly headed back to there room.

Chan handed us both a shovel and took one for himself. "There body is probably starting to disintegrate" Minho sounding smart for once. "Well duh, it's been like 5 years". "Wait why the hell havent BTS done anything yet if they are somehow spying on us" He questioned while intertwining his finger with mine. "I don't know but let's just get it over with" Chan shoved his shovel in the ground and start digging. We followed right behind him.

*30 minutes later*

"I hit something," Chan said hitting the coffin again. "Welp here does nothing," Minho says. We all try lifting it but fail. Before anyone else can say something I run inside to get some of the others. I grab everyone but Han because he does not want to see any of this.

"Have you guys seen Cassy?" Jeongin asked. I shook my head. "Hm weird I check our house but she wasn't there" Jeongin scratches his nape. "I'm sure she's fine don't worry about it" I give him a reassuring smile.

10 minutes later

It took us all 10 minutes of lifting this coffin out of the earth. "Haven will be easier since her coffin was little" I panted. "Seungmin go grab a body bag put the body in it, Changbin you go make sure this is Felix, once your done seungmin getting the bag out the body in, and if it's not Felix check for anything weird" Changbjn and seungmin know and go complete there task.

"Hyunjin Jeongin stay here and help we need some extra hands" They run and go grab a shovel and start digging as soon as they head back.

"My hands hurt, if I get blisters and I die I'm haunting you" Hyunjin complained. I hit something wooden. "Get the bag jeongin and be ready to bring this up to seungmin, you too minho" Jeongin dan and got the bag coming back with. We opened the coffin. "I can't I'm sorry" I stepped away. I started crying. "Hey chan let minho stay I'll help jeongin" Chan agrees with hyunjin.

Minho runs over to me and pulls me into a hug. "It'll be okay baby, I love you" I pulled myself closer to him and cuddled with him.


Buckle your seatbelts, That's all I got to say.

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