Chapter 8

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*Next day*

(A/N I will skip through a lot of the training this chapter will be training then next will be when they go find "Felix")

"WAKE THE FUCK UP TIME FOR TRAINING" Chan repeatedly screamed while hitting a pot with a spoon. "My poor beauty sleep," Han and hyunjin said at the same time "JINX, YOU OWE ME A CHEESECAKE" Han smirked went to go do this handshake he had with Hyunjin but Hyunjin ran off.

(A/N y'all know what I'm talking about right...)

"Alright Jeongin Seungmin come with me my children and everyone else go work out in the gym for  3 hours," Chan said leaving with the two young ones. Seungmin turned around and stuck his tongue out but making sure Chan didn't see.

"Welp lets go," Minho said letting his head hang low. Changbin was the first one there and started working his ass off. "Calm down man you might pass out," Han said walking over to him "I'm fine". We just all starred for a good 5 seconds then went to go do our workouts.

I did more of running and arm workouts. Changbin was all for it. Hyunjin and Han did some weird workout together. Minho did the same as me but also did legs he looked hot as always.

Seungmin and Jeongin walked in and laughed in our faces. "Chan said y'all are done for today, now you have to go train in your specialties, it's our time to workout". We all sighed and walked out of the room with our heads low.

I went with Minho and Changbin to the shooting range. Everyone else went their own ways. Changbin grabbed his gun and kissed it "oh how I've missed this". Minho grabbed his sniper and I grabbed my gun. We start and Minho is still amazing. "Fuck I've got bad" Changbin and I look over to Minho with a confused look "What" he questions. We both shake our heads.

Our practice went really good actually great. I messed up a lot more than excepted but both boys helped me.

"Good job today guys now depending on you we will see how long this takes," Chan said. We all nodded our heads.

This is going to be a long couple weeks...

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