Chapter 16

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"Oh shit, what did we miss" Han busted through the door. "Keep haven and jade out okay I don't really want them in here when. I say this" Felix softly spoke. "Okay I'll make sure" Han runs out and quickly comes back.

"It's been going on for 5 years now it started right after I got "shot" I'm sorry if I start crying" Felix spoke.

Felix POV

Another day of being starved. It's only been a week since I've been a dead bitch to everyone. Ugh, this sucks. I just want to kiss Changbin. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I lay on my bed starting to shed more and more tears.

Knock knock

I shot up and nervously waited to see who was at the door. I whipped my tears off of my face. The person who opened it was least expect. "CASSY" I yelled excitedly. "Eat this" She handed me a little cake looking thing. I snatched it out of her hand it ate it as fast as possible. The next thing I know I'm feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. I passed out and all I could see was black.

An hour later


I woke up tied down to a bed completely naked. I tried moving but the restraints I was in wouldn't let me move one bit. My breath started going crazy as I realized I was having an anxiety attack.

I saw the door nob turn and Cassy walked in. "Help" I cried out. She shook her head. "I'm taking this to my advantage baby boy" she walked over to the bed I was on.  She started rubbing my thighs and came over and kissed my lips. "GET OFF OF ME" I screamed into the kiss. "TAEHYUNG I NEED TAPE" She screamed.

Taehyung was right at the door with a thing of tape. She ripped it off and put it over my mouth. "Now be quiet you whore" She aggressively spoke. I wanted to push her off so bad but I couldn't.

She grabbed my member and started stroking it. I screamed through the tape but it's only muffled. She takes my member in her mouth and starts moving her head up and down.

I feel so gross, I feel so dirty. I'm not attracted to women at all this is what makes it worse. I feel like I'm cheating on changbin. It isn't my fault but I still feel this way. I wish she would just stop.

Lost in thought trying to get my mind off of all the things she was doing to me. She lowered herself on my member. I couldn't help but scream as she bounced up and down. Tears fell down my face. "FUCK FELIX" she moaned out. The more she moaned the more disgusted I felt. "Changbin" I sobbed out quietly. "Yeah moan my name out baby" she moaned. I just shook my head. I was so helpless at this point.

I felt so bad for jeongin. His wife is such a bad person and he'll never know.

She finally got off of my member. "Until next time" she smiled and waved.

End of flashback

Kaylee pov

"It happened around 5 times a month for the next 5 years, I felt so helpless it was the worst feeling ever" Felix was crying. The hardest I've ever seen him cry. "We need to take them down" Chan wiped a tear off his face. I looked over to see Changbin hugging Felix "For a while you not going anywhere without me" Changbin was very protective of Felix. Changbin loved him more than anything and you can tell.

"FUCK SHIT BITCH SHE HAS OUR ADDRESS" Minho screamed. "Can we just move" seungmin whispered. "Too many memories here it hurts" he continued. Pain filled my heart as I remember hyunjin was dead. Next was my turn to break down.

Everyone looked at me as I broke down. Minho was quick to hug me and try his best to comfort me. "I- I'm sorry it's just I remembered what happened and what it looked like" I chocked on my sobs. "What exactly happened" seungmin was serious.

"Well, first jungkook and Felix were in the room just talking Felix had to pretend but then they both left. Taehyung came in with drugs and a gun. He was going to have us go back here and have us drug chan and kill him. I wasn't going to do it but hyunjin being hyunjin told him to kill him instead. he pointed the gun at his head and right before he pulled the trigger he said "I'll kill you leader too" and that was it, everything happened so quick" I was crying even harder as the thought came back to my head.

"Wait so you watched everything" A tear fell out of the Seungmin eye. "Yes, I was right next to him" I cried. Seungmin walked over and hugged me." I'm so sorry you had to see that" he starting balling in my shoulder. "This isn't fucking fair" Jeongin whispered. Everyone looked at him. "Why can't we just live normal" He angrily spoke.

"I'm sorry" chan whispered. "What do you mean" Minho looked over at him. "I should've never brought you guys into a mafia" Chan cried. "Everything my fault, if I never took yall into the mafia you would be better off I only needed to do was give you guys a good stable condition except I made it worse, if it wasn't for me hyunjin would be alive" Chan cried out. "Hey, man if anything you gave us all a home every single one of us had nobody or was stuck in a hole of emptiness but you helped us  and supported us. If it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't have all made it" Han replied.

"Chan when I lost my sister and family I truly thought I was not going to make it but you helped me. Don't blame this on yourself okay" Minho left to go by chan and hug him. "Group hug" changbin pouted. "Group hug" Felix repeated. We all ran into each other and just hugged. It felt nice. It felt safe.


Sorry for the emotional chapter

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