Chapter 4

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I told Changbin everything that happened at the Cafe. "I'm going with you tomorrow and you can't stop me," Changbin said. I already knew I couldn't stop him.

He was still crying and now it was even worse. "What if he is alive but he hates me for not getting there in time, what if he found someone new, what if someone like brainwashed him" He was rambling on. "Hey hey it'll be okay we just got to figure it out".

We both said goodnight and headed to bed preparing for tomorrow.

*Next day*

Bigfatliar: Hey Kaylee just saying your hubby wubby slept over last night

Innievcard: Well tell him Changbin and I are going out to go get coffee

MostHandsome: I WANT SOME

Dramaqueen: ME TO

Innievcard: I'll just get you all something.

I get out of bed and hop in the shower. Once I finished I went out and got dressed in sweatpants and a crop top. I ran over to Chan's place and knocked on his door.

"Ready to go" I yelled as I walked in. "Yeah" Changbin rushed down the stairs looking very handsome.

(Just like this)

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(Just like this)

"Damn you look really good" I jokingly check him out. "Can we just spend the day out today?" He says with pleading eyes. "Of course I'm going to go change " He follows me to the house.

 (Kaylee outfit)

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(Kaylee outfit)

"You look good," Changbin said throwing finger guns. "Thanks, were taking my car let's go," I said and Changbin bolted out the door.

We got to the cafe and there was the mystery guy. "He looks too much like him Kaylee" Changbin leaned in a whisper. The mystery guy looked back at us and both Changbin and his breath stopped.

Changbin POV

I swear he's Felix but he can't be Felix is dead. How the hell is this possible. I mean twin, yeah but he would've told us. I mean do I go talk to him do I just say hi do I ignore him. My mind is scattered. Felix might be alive.

Kaylee POV

He turned back to the register. He wrote something down on a paper and whispered something to the cashier.

It was our turn so we went up. The guys handed us a little paper with what looks like scribbles all over them. We ordered our food and sat down at the table.

.... . .-.. .- -. /  - - - - -  ...- -  ..- - ..... / .. -.. - - -  .-../  .-.. -.. -. ./

(Help 0325 Idol lane)
(A/n I'm so sorry if that's wrong)

"What the hell is this" Changbin said grabbing the paper. "I have no clue but when we get back we should ask Jeongin and Seungmin they're way smarter than us" I laughed handing the paper back to him.

We finished our food and headed to another store to go to. "Were do you want to go," I ask him. "He's following us" changbin whispered under his breath. "Let me go into here by myself you keep walking" Changbin waved at me as if he was leaving and went into this shop.

Changbin POV

Ahh no, fuck this is a sex shop. Out of all places here.


I looked back and he entered the store. I could feel fear and pain wash over me. He walked right in front of me and rubbed my face with his thumb. I felt a tear go down my face. He leaned in and kissed me. Tears falling down both of our faces. I went to talk but he shushed me. He leaned in and kissed me one more time but longer. He lipped I love you and left whipping his tears.

Kaylee pov

Changbin came out with tears falling down his face. "You okay" I ran over to him. "It's Felix there's no doubt about it we need to figure that message out right the hell now or something bad will happen" Changbin starts running back to where we parked our car. I chased after him, he was running faster than the speed of light.

"Come on Kaylee start the car" Changbin yelled. I started the car as fast as possible and went home avoiding getting pulled over.

Changbin jumped out of the car and ran to Jeongin house.


This is probably so confusing 🙂🤙🏻

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