Chapter 13

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Changbin POV

As we were about to leave claps were heard behind us. "CASSY" Jeongin screamed running towards him. We quickly turn around. Cassy throws a knife into Jeongin leg. "OH SHIT" He screamed. Mark runs over to him and grabs him.

"it's funny how you guys still haven't noticed" She laughed. "What do you mean" Jeongin voice cracking. "Who do you really think has been giving BTS all this information do you really think it was a dead body in a camera in it" Cassy was still laughing. "It was you" Chan growled. Chan ran towards her with a knife in his hands. She pulled out a gun and shot him in the leg. Changbin ran over to him trying to help him up.

"Wait so everything was fake" Jeongin cried. "Every single bit of it, do you know how hard it was living with you my god, and dealing with Kaylee and Jade oh and especially Felix. I wanted to kill each and everyone one of you but. I couldn't" she laughed off like it was nothing. I could feel my blood boiling "You've got to be lying" Jeongin cried out once more. She laughed again "Jeongin your such a piece of sh-" her sentence was cut short. Jeongin pulled out his gone and shot her. We all were in shock by Jeongin actions. He sat down and broke down once more. "FUCK YOU" Jeongin limped to seungmin to cuddle with him.

"Let's get back," Minho said heartbroken. We all were.

Kaylee POV

"Ah, Felix you here," Taehyung says with a smile. Felix stops at the sight of Hyunjin. "What the fuck" Tears spilled down Felix's eyes. "I want you two to act like a couple" Felix's eyes looked broken and tired. You could tell he has enough. "Yes, sir" Felix bows. "Now I figure your friends will be coming soon so when they come put on your a game or I'll blow every single person head off" Taehyung laughed walking away.

Felix let me out of my restraints. I immediately went over to hug him. "God I missed you" I cried into his shoulder. "Me too" he spoke in English. "I'm so sorry about hyunjin" he cried out. "Me too, seungmin will be WAIT NO SEUNGMIN" I broke down even more to the fact that Seungmin is going to be destroyed. Plus Felix and I have to be a couple in front of the loves of our life.

I hear a knock on the door knowing it's the boys. Once I opened the door it was also all 3 of our aligned gangs. What I was about to do broke me into peace.

*Time skip to After act*

Felix and I ran into our shared room. I cried more into his arms. "He was so broken" Felix spoke up. "They all were, we betrayed them" I cried even more.

"Haven is alive" Breaking the silence. "WHAT WHERE IS SHE" I scream. "Ya keep it down will you," He said aggressively. "She's been through to much for a 5-year-old" he started crying again. "How did this all happen" I was confused. "Well let's go back to the night I was shot"


bark grrr

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