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I sat up and pulled out a bag of weed from my drawer and pulled out a backwood some fonto and my lighter and a crusher and got down to business

I rolled just like Kenen he loved it cause I literally was a little him forreal which I liked also cause his blunts be huge and fat and puffing on em took you to a far away land

I loved when he would blow smoke in my face or directly in my mouth and tongue kissed me and we always ended up fucking after wards uhhh i missed my dick

I wanted to call him or him call me i didn't like the fact that I couldn't here his voice but love comes with sacrifices i lot the blunt up and sat back puffing on it a lil bit

It was sexy how the smoke would fly up in the air and i would suck it back in to let it flow threw my nose i went to my window and sat down looking outside of it i looked down and seen one of my guards looking up

Tj you good"
Yes ma'am you good for the night"
Yea let me know if you get anything on fire ok"
Yes ma'am"

I nodded and went back to looking at the view it was beautiful here the cactus that grew here had flowers on them and around this time of year Alejandro told me that the buds opened and closed do you how chilly it would get at night

I seen small lizards climbing up the gates and looked out at the moon I wondered what ke was doing how he was mentally i knew he wasn't gonna be on his meds while incarcerated but it scared me when he got out how would he be

Hope he learns to Chanel his anger better also i seen on tmz and all over the damn news that he was now locked up and would have his first court date tomorrow morning id be up just to watch it cause I needed to know how long my baby could possibly be incarcerated

I wished I could get jail calls or go on visits minus the kids cause I ain't want them around that no way
My kids won't see the inside nore the outside of a jail cell unless they end up actually getting locked up

I felt bad for him cause he expressed how he didn't wanna loose the first couple months of kylas life which she would be teething or sitting up on her own and learning how to eat solid food all that but i let the weed drown out the crazy thoughts and I looked for my computer i pulled out the usb and plugged it in listening to kes voice

I laid on the bed and listened to him rapping me and his song I love him so muchhhhhhh it was killing me on the inside i let it play as i went to my wedsite and seen that the products on there were selling and I'd get my money soon im gonna be stacking cash on top of cash

Martin clowsky her to defend the defendant Dave Brewster and my client pleads not guilty"
Your honor the defense asked that the defendant Ms Brewster be remanded to Fulton County jail until his next court date"
Your honor i ask that my client be put on bail and agrees to wear a ankle bracelet on house arrest"
Your honor the defendant had ties to hundreds of sources to get out of the state and has three private jets"

My client agrees to give up his passport"
Motion denied the defendant along with the other defendants are to be placed in Fulton county jail until the trial begins"
Your honor my client would like to flex his rights and ask for a speedy trial"
Ok all evidence is to be submitted and the list of witness to be placed on my desk in a months time court dismissed"

I dapped up my lawyer and the guards took us out they walked us to the back and I got ready to wait for this slow ass process of getting us to the jail

Press was all over this case and according to my manager my records were selling like ass on the streets and my name and face was all in the media everywhere i was just ready to settle in the jail block and send my lady and my momma some mail

I missed her ass already i remembered the time when we was at the house before kyla was here we was playing around play fighting

Keeee stop"she said and wrapped her legs around my torso
Damn ma fucking thunder thighs"I laughed as she squeezed her legs together around me
You a damn jungle gym"she laughed and climbed around my entire body and ended up on top of my back and she squeezed my body till i gave up
Now gimme some dick"she smiled and pulled at my shorts

You been feening for my shit lately"
I know right"she said pushed me over climbing on top of me and kissed me passionately
Sike"I said and picked her up flipping her over and she screamed laughing
He mr smile was bright as the fucking moon and I loved it couldn't help but to kiss her over and over

I sat back next to bully along with the rest of the guys and sighed bully taped me and i looked up seeing game walked down the hallway i waved him off and just waited for these dusty ass guards to come and get me

But one guard i actually likes she was easy as hell i feel i can get what ever I need from her if i manipulate her ass and I wouldn't even have to touch her

I smiled evilly looking up at the molded ceiling in the court room and thought of how i would trick this trick

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