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Bestfriend can you please tell me who this person is ion wanna see you down like this"
It's nothing tae ion wanna talk about it"
Ari I'm asking you begging you to tell me"
Dionte it's nothing ion wanna be fucking bothered"

Don't get fucking mad at me I'm just tryna help"

I screamed and he stormed out the door slamming it I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands my entire past was just flooding my memory and making me sick to my stomach I was throwing up every thing I tried to eat

I Been trying since the call and in all honesty I was scared emon put  fear in me when I was scared of fire it's because of what I heard he can do and shit but emon I knew first hand what the hell he could do to a person

We met when I was maybe 17 and he was around 19 at the time we started dating when I first moved to Atlanta and the first year was a amazing as soon as it was our anniversary the control began and when I didn't listen his fist became a punishment when I tried to leave he put me in near death situations all the time so I stayed with him for a longgggggg time

So long that I didn't even realize that I was trapped with him I thought some nights he would come home and just try and kill me and no one would know about it I kept it a top notch secret but he also didn't allow me to see my mom

And every anniversary of Kyle's death when I'd be in a depressing and sad mood he'd beat the hell out of me one time he beat me and you couldn't even recognize me

The final time he beat me was when he found out I was pregnant I was 20 at the time and he made me have a miscarriage his mom found me that day and called the cops and I was to scared to testify so his mom did and when he went away I waited till I healed up from all the abuse and shit and moved on

Me moving on was rekindling my relationship with tae and my mom and family and then herb came along and then a few years later I met ke and the rest is history

I never told anyone because I was embarrassed ashamed and scared of being judged and mostly him finding me again we lived in Macon Georgia and after everything I made my mom an everybody go to Atlanta

I didn't ever see the day emon was gonna be out of jail but he was a manipulative physicotic motherfucker he could manipulate and trick you at the snap of a finger like he did me

When I was with him I hated everything about myself he forced me to work in clubs and do things I would never had done if it was up to me and my own decision

I was in such a dark place I couldn't function for real and I knew I had all the protection in the world and mainly ke but ion know my fear was gonna get the best of me I knew it

I looked at the bag of weed on the window seal and stared at it I'd forget about this if I had this right now I got up and grabbed it with a few backwoods and my lighter and crusher and went in the bathroom
I rolled up quickly and lit it up letting the exotic weed take over my body and mind after a few puffs I was already high and feeling a tiny bit better

*knock* knock*

Who"I yelled
Alejandro I have good news"
One minute"

I put the blunt out and sprayed a lil bit of spray and walked out my room meeting him half way
It's finished"
You sure"I asked

Everyone of them motherfuckers is dead and gone"
I felt a feeling of relief fall over me an I hugged Alejandro tightly
Thankyou so much"I said and he nodded
No problem we'll if your not busy you can start packing your stuff up"
Does fire know"
He will be alerted today when he calls"

I walked in the room closing the door and jumped up and down with excitement after this long this shit was finnaly over finished done for and ion know if it was because of how high I was I forgot about the thoughts of emon

I could finally get back on the radar after being gone for months even if I had to slowly do it I didn't mind just the thought of being closer to ke would be a blessing to me especially with how I was feeling and I could probably visit him or get calls from him on the daily now that we weren't in danger

I'd be able to be around my mom and kes mom and pop I couldn't wait to go home now
I went in the bathroom and finished the blunt while rolling another one just to let everything float away


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