Chapter 6: Friday Night Pt. 2

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Everyone at the party stood still like a stone. I was looking at Taehyung and trying to tell him what to do.

"What do we do," I whispered to him.

"Okay, this might sound crazy, but we run," he whispered back.

"What, are you crazy," I said.

"Told you, it sounded crazy," he replied.

Taehyung then told everyone the plan, and we started to wait for his signal. Once he gives the sign, then we run out.

"Nobody move," the officer said. "I need a full inspection of the house."

Just then, more and more cops arrived, and they brought in a K-9 to help with the search. I was looking over at Taehyung, and we were bracing for the right moment.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1, GO!!" Taehyung yelled.

Everyone then ran out of the house and started to run on the street. Since many of us were running away, that separated Taehyung, and we had to go into different groups. I was with Jungkook, Jimin, and Lisa. We ran to a nearby street and into an alleyway.

"You think we lost them," Jungkook asked.

Just then, we hear police yelling.

"Come back here, kids," the officers yelled.

We then continued to run all the way to another part of the city, and eventually, we got into a dead end.

"Shit, it's a dead-end," Lisa said.

"You think I don't know," Jimin replied.

"Well, somebody does something. Lisa uses your powers," I pleaded.

"I'm not using my powers on a cop, okay," Lisa explained.

The officers were getting closer and closer, and we were running out of options.

"Okay, everyone hold on to me," I said.

Jimin, Lisa, and Jungkook went behind me and held my back. I then used my invisibility power and turned not just me but also the rest of them invisible.

"Hey, where did they go," on officer said.

"I don't know," the other officer replied.

Just then, the police left, and I turned us back to visible.

"Wow, thanks for saving us," Jimin said.

"How did you do that" Jungkook asked.

"As a female devil, I can turn invisible," I explained myself. "I didn't know I could turn you guys invisible as well by you touching me."

"Well, now that we're in the clear, let's try to regroup with the others," Lisa said.

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