Chapter 15: Baited And Sold Out

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Finally, the break was over, and I was excited to see Jisoo again. I waited for her in the dorm, ready to greet her with a kiss. After many minutes, I heard a knock on the door, open it, and there she was.

"Babe, you're back," I said.

"Did you miss me," Jisoo said?

She entered the dorm. I hugged her and lifted her up in the air. I then set her down and kissed those plump lips that I like.

"I got you something," I said.

"Oh really, what is it," she replied

I then pulled out some chocolate that I got from the store and handed them over to her. When she saw what I got, her mouth got wide.

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you," Jisoo said with energy.

"What? It's just chocolate," I replied.

"I know but, you know how much I love this brand," Jisoo said.

She grabbed the chocolate out of my hand and opened up the packaging. Jisoo then opened up one of the chocolate cases and ate them.

"Wow, you really like those," I said.

Jisoo then settled down and unpacked her things.

"I'm so glad you're back," I said.

"Me too," she replied.

"Come on, we have a lot of things to catch up on," I said.


Today is that day that it happens. I'm going to get interviewed. From the beginning of January to now, I've been practicing what I was going to say. Lisa did her interview a month ago, and she said that it was okay and that she didn't give away anything.

"Okay, Taehyung, remember what we discussed," Suga said.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

"Don't give anything away," Jungkook said.

"And don't say anything stupid," Jennie added.

"Okay, okay," I responded to them.

Finally, we got out of the dorm and headed to school. I then got to my first class and just anticipated for my name to be called.




ROOMMATE WITH A DEVIL: YEAR 2 // VsooWhere stories live. Discover now