~.Chapter - 12.~

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Makaira groaned as started to gain conscious, she tries to move only to find her limbs are tied up tight making it impossible for her to move. She closed her eyes and focused on everything around her since she was inside some kind of box? She activated her sharingan to see and she was right they thought putting her in a box bonded would be easy, she looks around to see they were in the forest, she guesses? There were 4 of them and one who was carrying the box she was in. They must have slipped away with some traders to pass the gates of Konoha because she was sure that this was the forest outside Konoha.

Meanwhile, In Konoha, Mission to rescue Makaira Uchiha was being set. They were gathering information and people. Hokage was mad on how the intruders got inside Konoha at the first place. Ibiki was with the captured enemy trying to get information out of him about who sent them and where were they going to take her. But the enemy seems to be tough, you could say but Ibiki was working on cracking him and it's just a matter of time that he breaks down. Hokage was worried, sure, the girl is an asset to the village but she's just a girl! He decided to take over the planning. He decided to summon a select few of his most trusted for this mission because he can't take any risks or chances. He briefs them about it giving each one of them a different location to search for the missing Uchiha Princess.

A certain ninja entered the office late but instead of getting an earful from everyone, they just looked back at the Hokage for further instruction. The man got serious sensing the tension of the room.

"Makaira Uchiha has been kidnapped. We have one of them in our custody, he is being interrogated right now but I'm afraid that we can't take any chances, we don't have any time to spare, they are most likely outside Konoha since w have already checked every single crook and corner of this village. So I want you all to  spread out and check-in each direction of the village."

With that being said, everyone divided the parameters between them and went to prepare. They must be ready if they have kidnapped an Uchiha, which was bad enough but that Uchiha being a girl and the lady of the clan... use to be clan was just bad new. All of them got ready and set out, keeping in mind to inform the others as soon as they make contact with them and others will come for aid as soon as they can. With that, they spread out in each direction using whatever they could to find clues or hints of the girl's location. This appeared to be works of a pro because there was no trace of them. Like they disappeared.

One of the ninjas saw something on the ground and went to pick it up, he held it up to see it was a pendant with Uchiha symbol on it, he instantly knew he was getting near. He summoned his hounds and asked, "Hey guys, will you be able to pick up this sent?"

"Who do you take us for? Sure we can" One of the hound spoke up.

With that, they ran towards the direction of the scent with the ninja following them. They ran for some time and suddenly halted and sniffed the ground, the ninja moved closer to see few stranges of ebony coloured hair lying on the ground. He couldn't help but smile at that, smart girl! leaving traces to make following her easier. The bits left by her made it easier for them to follow, they were now at their top speed. The ninja followed the hounds, taking out his weapons ready for any attacks or traps left behind by them. There were quite a few of them but it was easy to disarm them or avoid them altogether. The hounds suddenly halted and sniffed, "I smell blood, there is a fight going on"

"Whose blood?!"

"I can't really tell!!"

"Fine! Go and bring others, just in case. I'll go ahead and see what's happening.! Go!!"

With that, the hounds ran in different directions to gather all the other ninja's on the mission. The ninja swiftly moved towards the direction of the fight, he was close he could hear it. He just hopes he's not too late. He was getting closer just then there was a blast heard and the shockwave blew him back and knocked him in a tree. He groaned as the hit knocked the breath out of him but it also made his worry shot up, there's no way an academy student would be able to survive that, regardless whichever clan they belong to.

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