Chapter - 3

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"What in the world you mean she is getting married to the main branch!?!" Shishu shouted in shock, standing in front of his father with his eyes narrowed at him.

"Watch your tone, son." His father said in a commanding tone before continuing "Yes, Her marriage has been arranged with the main branch, now it's decided that it would be Sasuke. We have started with the preparation of the marriage. Now that you're back we'll get the marriage done by next week."

"What is wrong with you people?! She is just a child!?!"

"A child who is now a part of the main branch! She has to do her duties towards her clan! She would one day be Lady Uchiha!! Wife of the Lord of Uchiha clan! Do you understand how great it would be for us!?"

"And for that, you're gonna ruin her childhood!!?"

"I'm not doing any such thing"

"She should not being getting married, she should be going to the academy," Shishu said.

"It's Lord Uchiha's decision to, he has decided that she would be homeschooled and would be trained to take the role of Lady Uchiha, one day."

"Why was i not told anything about this?! Why did this happen when I was out. You knew i won't be home for a long time! If i wouldn't have come back early, you would have married her off behind my back?!"

"We would have waited for you to come back!?!"

This continued on and on, back and forth until Makaira could handle it anymore and she shouted "Stop it! Stop. it! I don't want fighting" She shouted over them, they stopped and looked at her only to see Ruby red eyes glowing at them as tears streamed down her face.


Shishu wanted to spend time with her so he decided that they would be spending the day together, he took her out to their secret mellow, they talked and talked and talked. Both telling each other what happened in the past few weeks.

"So how's everything been at home while i was gone?"

"I don't know, I, now stay at Suske - Kun's home" She replied. "Mother and father said that now that's my home."

Shishu tensed but decided that he'll deal with it later.

"Do you like it there?"

"It's nice there, Sasuke is my best friend now, he even promised me that he would watch stars with me till you come back"


"Yes! And he even said that you must be watching the stars too!! Were you?!"

"Every single night," He said hugging her tightly.

He knows he can't stop this marriage if it would have been anyone but the main branch, he would have been able to do it with ease but going against the main branch would only mean more problems and he had to make sure whatever he does must be in Makaira's best interest. Making things worse for her is the last thing he wants. "So, what does the princess wishes to eat?"

"Ramen~" She sang with her eyes sparkling at the thought of eating the tasty tasty food.

"As you wish, Princess" Shishu mockingly bowed to her, picked her up and made their ways towards the Ramen shop. For someone who eats like a bird most of the time, she sure can finish her bowl of ramen herself. They spend the rest of the day going around the town and eating junk food. By the time it was evening, Makaira was tired, Shishu took her back to the household of the main branch, they decided to go out into the backyard and laid down on the grass looking at the sky. It was a beautiful night, there were so many stars twinkling, Makaira was awestruck and would ask Shishu to tell her about the different constellations. Shishu felt like someone was watching them, he looked back to see Sasuke peeping through his window with a pout, seeing Makaira with him.

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