~.Chapter - 18. ~

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Makaira opened the package and gasped as her hand shot up to her mouth as she stared at the content of the package. "Is this?" She looked up at the old man as if to confirm what she was seeing, he nodded to give her the answer. Makaira smiled picking up the small key and diary out of the box, holding it close to her heart. "Where did you find it?" She questioned as she wiped her tears away.

"During the investigation of the massacre, I had hoped to give it to you or Sasuke one day. But I believe now that the whole world knows of the Princess of the Uchiha Clan being alive. I'll entrust you with the responsibilities of it. I know your clan is gone but you are still here and you know better than anyone, once you become a leader, you shall always be one until your last breath."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage" She used his formal title to thank him, knowing he was talking to the Hime of the clan and not Makaira who is like a daughter to him. She smiled giving him a bow and took her leave knowing Sasuke would be waiting for her. She went back to the academy but couldn't find Sasuke anywhere, that was unlike him, she frowned. She went outside towards the benches hoping to find him there. But she stood frozen at the sight in front of her, Sasuke sitting with Sakura, both leaning towards each other as if to kiss. She gasped softly as her heart felt like it was being squeezed out of her, she turned away and ran back to the classroom not wanting to witness it any further.

She quietly sat there as the scene kept replaying in her head. She never thought of something like this. She was not sure what to do considering she never thought she would have to face this situation cause, well, she never thought Sasuke would do that to her. They were married, after all, was this because they were married so young? Thoughts continued to speed through her mind overwhelming her and making it hard for her to breath. She rested her head on the desk waiting for everyone to come back. Around 10 minutes later, they started to walk in into the class. Sasuke sat beside Makaira making her tense up at the closeness, she was yet to understand what was going on and how she should react to the situation but right now, she is not ready to face him. She moved a little away still not making any eye contact with him, "Are you alright?" but she turned her face to the other side. Sasuke glared at Naruto thinking he must have done something when he transformed into him.

Sasuke wanted nothing more than to go over to him and knock him out but that won't be fixing anything. Considering that Makaira sees Naruto as her friend and him hitting her friend won't be good right now. For now, he has to find out what has happened that she refuese to even look at him.

"He's late!! How long will our sensei take?! Everyone has left, we are the only ones left." Naruto shouted in frustration but his expression changed and it was clear that he was up to no good.

He drags a chair to the door and puts a duster on top of the door, so, when it will be opened it will fall on that person's head if they are not attentive. "This is what he gets for being late" He giggled.

"Our Sensei is a jounin" Sasuke stated.

"Yes! What Sasuke said" Sakura agreed with Sasuke but it was clear on her face that she was as excited as Naruto with the plan.

"You never know, Maybe He'll fall for it, Naruto" Makaira offered him a smile along with some hope. And on que, a hand slides the door open and the duster falls on top of the figues head. With a 'plop' it released a puff of chalk dust on top of the man's head. Makaira raised a brow at the sight 'well, at least, his hair is already silver so no damage done.'

"My first Impression on you three? All of you are a bunch of idiots.." he trailers while pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Meet me in the rooftop" he announced then proofed out of their sight.

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