~.Chapter - 15.~

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Makaira was up and ready early in the morning, well, she went to sleep early last night so she was well-rested and ready to ace the test, she warmed up, made breakfast and packed their bento, as she skipped to wake Sasuke up she halted and realized that she would have to request the instructors to include her in the list since she might not because she was a genin now after all. She quickly wrote a letter to the Hokage and Sensei regarding that and sent it through one of the guards who were always around for her safety.

She wondered who will be her Sensei, she hoped it would be someone awesome from whom she could learn from. She heard Sasuke get up, she went to greet him "Goodmorning, Sasuke" She smiled at him.

"Goodmorning, Hime" He mumbled out still not fully awake. Makaira looked at him, he rarely calls her that blushing a little she perked his cheek and said," Breakfast is ready, I'll wait for you." She skipped away to set the table and prepare everything. Sasuke came down to see everything read and Makaira smiling at him, looking proud of herself. Sasuke shook his head at her as he stared at the breakfast, she had made his favourite breakfast. Sasuke remembered her making it for him with his mom back then. He thanked her and they both dig in, he could sense Makaira glancing at her time to time making sure he liked it. He smiled at her and said, "It's wonderful, now eat peacefully, I love it." Putting some more food on her plate, she glared at him for that but he didn't care, she needed to be healthy and strong, he won't be able to live with himself if her condition got worse again.

Makaira shook her head at him smiling as she continued to eat. Sasuke said he would take care of the dishes as she went to get ready for the day, she packed their bags and made sure they had everything they might need today. She brought their bags down where Sasuke took them from her and her hand as they walked out of the house together.


Makaira sat at the seat beside Sasuke waiting for the test to start, she could feel the glares and curses of Sasuke's fangirls and wonder, 'What would happen if someone finds out that we're actually married.' She smirks at that thought. One by one each of them was called in and then the test would be conducted in a different room. Her name was called soon as Sasuke squeezed her hand and wished her luck. He could hear some boy wish her luck as well but he just smirked having the same thought that Makaira had a few minutes ago.

Makaira stepped into the room and greeted the examiners who asked her to make clones which she did perfectly. Iruka knew of their arrangement and came towards her saying, "Since she is no less than a princess it would only be right to personally hand over the protector to her" She could feel the other guy eyeing her clearly interested in the word "Princess." They secretly exchanged that and she was off to her merry way. She tied her protector around her forehead like her brother used to and skipped over to where Sasuke was and hugged him clearly excited to finally wear her protector. Sasuke looked very proud of her as he continued to hold her tight and then it was his turn soon. She kissed his cheek and wished him luck although she knew that he'll pass with flying colours.

As soon as he stepped out of the class, the whole atmosphere changed there was a group of girls standing in front of her. They were glaring at her trying to look threatening, Makaira looked at them and smile. "Hey! I think we haven't met before!! I'm Uchiha Makaira. Pleased to make you acquaintance. " Everyone else in the room sweatdropped at her words, they could sense the tension. People who were friends with her were ready to step in if things went out of hand.

"We know who you are, witch! You are trying to steal my Sasuke-kun!"

"How dare you treat him that way!!"

"You should worship the ground he walks on"

They all started shouting at her at once making her blink in confusing while looking at them bored. She sighed, these girls really are boy-oriented in their heads. Makaira was really shocked to see what their thoughts really were, they are so lucky that their family just let them become a ninja, if not for what had happened, she would still be inside the Uchiha household doing her duties of Lady Uchiha. They get to make friends, go out with them and NOT GET FREAKING KIDNAPPED. Fine! She was still bitter about being kidnapped but it's the aftermath that annoyed her. Increased security, she almost never gets any alone time, RULES!! She closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

One of the girls moved forward to punch her but her punch was blocked and pushed back. The group of girls gasped and took a step back as they looked at Makaira, who was now looking at them with eyes red as blood. She stood up and leaned forward closer to them and said, "Now, Now. We shouldn't get mad at each other right? Well, Sasuke was never any of yours to begin with, I treat him like an equal just like anyone should be treated and lastly, I'm just as strong, I won't worship any ground beneath anyone's feet even if it's Sasuke's. I'm The Uchiha Princess. Don't you dare think that you can push me around or I'll let you bully me. You all should stop being such a wimp and get stronger and better, instead of wasting time on boys"

The looked scared out of the wits and as soon as she let go of the girl's hand, they all ran away crying. Everyone looked at Makaira in a different light, some were impressed while some girls who didn't join that gang looked at her while thinking, that she is the one always around Sasuke - kun and still she preached about not wasting time on boys. How Hypocrite.

Sasuke had heard some of it as he finished his test early and he couldn't help but feel proud but and the same time he had some question regarding what she had just said. Did she really believe boys are waste of time, well, he could care less about other boys but even him? He was wondering if it weren't for their marriage would she still be with him. There were so many questions that clouded his mind, some he wasn't sure he wanted an answer to or was ready to hear them. But he went in nonetheless and sat with her kissing her forehead, Makaira frowned as she could sense something was not okay with him. But she let it slide for now and whispered, "We'll talk about it when we go home, okay?" She held his hand resting her head on his shoulder.

He hid a smile feeling strangely happy that she was able to sense his trouble even without him speaking a word about it.


A/n: Hey everyone! I hope you like it!! I'm getting little better at regular updates as I'm trying to update all of my stories regularly. So, how did you like it? Was it okay? I hope you liked it. Stay safe, everyone. I love you all, you guys have no idea how happy i get seeing how much you enjoy it.

Random Fact: Laughing so hard that no noise comes out of their mouth is actually good for your health! It reduces the risk of heart disease.

Random Riddle: What did the calculator say to the Math student?

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