Chapter 18

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"I spent my days waiting for you,
searching the crowds for your face.
I stopped breathing the moment you recognized me, as you captured my soul with your gaze"


The Kings


He didn't expect the email.

He hadn't spoken to his brother in weeks, so the email came out of the blue. He wasn't expecting to even hear from him. And yet here it was, an email from his brother. What was even more surprising, was what the email contained.

It was brief and to the point, and only contained thirteen words. Unusual coming from Alexander. No greetings either or meaningless commentary. It didn't ever really seem to have come from Alexander.

We found her. Her name is Hanna. We're in Ireland. We're at home.

Mate. His mate. His siblings had found her. And for the first time in over three centuries, excitement rushed through his bones. He crushed the feeling before it became too overpowering. There wasn't time for useless emotions. This email

Even though he wanted to trust it, he just couldn't. He knew his sibling, even though they had grown apart, he knew how he talked, he knew how he acted, he knew Alexander, and this email wasn't sent by him.

He could trust the words written.

Sebastian pushed himself back from his desk and stood. He smoothed his suit jacket down and left his study in search of the only other being that lived with him. He found him outside where he typically was, chopping wood. Sebastian cleared his throat to announce his presence.

"Good afternoon, Sir. What do ya' need?" Samson, his guard, driver, and worker, asked.

"I need your help tracing an IP address."

"Sure," Samson shrugged, dropping the ax and wiping his hands on his jeans. "May I ask why?"

"I recently received a...cryptic email. It is supposedly from my brother."

"Which one?"


"And you believe it wasn't?" Samson asked, making sure he was understanding this right.


Sebastian turned on his heel and walked back to the house, Samson following close behind him. But before Sebastian allowed Samson to enter, he asked that he got the dirt off his close and take his shoes off.

Samson, already assuming the request, was done before Sebastian even finished his request. Sebastian continued to lead Samson through the house and up to his office. Samson sat at the desk while Sebastian stood off to the side. One of the many reasons he had hired Samson was because of his exceptional skill in dealing with technology. Samson was the only other being that Sebastian could stand to be around. Sebastian had no use for servants, or chefs, or cleaners. He only needed Samson. Samson was his personal guard, his driver, gardener, and occasional techy when Sebastian needed.

And, Sebastian enjoyed his company. Which was surprising to him, as they were polar opposites.

"I traced the IP back to Ireland. So, whoever sent it wasn't lying about their location." Samson said, sitting back in the chair and turning to face his King. "It was also sent from King Alexander's computer. But, you're right. There's something fishy about this."

"Could you hack into the computer camera?" Sebastian asked.

"I could try, your Majesty, but I think you're overconfident in my abilities." Samson smiled but went to work trying to hack into the camera.

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