Chapter 34

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"I cry,
For the life you lived
And the one you didn't"


"You'll protect me from the bugs and monsters right?" I asked standing at the top of the staircase that led down to the dark cellar.

"Of course, Hanna. There is no need to worry. A few spiders might be crawling about, along with a few mice, but no monsters."

"Maybe you should get a few." I offered. "Some of these wines might be pretty expensive. Don't want anyone to steal them."

"In the years this place had been unoccupied there have been no attempted pilfering of our home."

"That's because it looks fucking abandoned." I said. "I mean, if I was a robber, I wouldn't step foot near this place. It's haunted."

"The manor is not haunted, Hanna."

"Whatever you say, Your Highness. Your word is law."

"Would you like me to go first?"

"Yes," I nodded, stepping aside to let him pass.

He went down the first few steps and I quickly stepped behind him, grabbing the back of his suit jacket.

"Why aren't there any lights?" I grumbled.

"No one has occupied the manor in a few years. I have yet to replace the bulbs."

"I'll mark it down on the to-do list."

"There is a to-do list?"

"I've got a mental one. Dusting is a big one. Cleaning the curtains--or my bad the drapes. If we want to be proper about it. The light bulbs now. Replacing the furniture--"

"Is there something wrong with the furniture?"

"It's old." I said. "Updating the TV's and stuff. You guys don't have Netflix out here."


"Goddess, I forget you're old. Do you know what a DVD player is?"

"I might be old, Hanna, but I am not a buffoon. Of course I know what a DVD player is."

"Okay, well Netflix is kinda like that, except you download an app, pay a monthly fee, and get a whole bunch of movies available to watch."

"I will look into it after we finish here."


"All you ever have to do is ask, Hanna."

"Oh... I guess I forget your serious when you say that."

A step below me creaked when I stepped on it, then cracked as I put my full weight on it.

I screamed, but King Sebastian was there, lifting me into his arms. I clutched his neck tightly, shoving my face into the crook of it, inhaling his scent as I tried to calm my racing heart. I felt his hand rubbing up and down my back, calming me further.

He started moving again, his hand never faltering, he stopped again when we were off the stairs.

"I'm good." I muttered into his skin. "Just surprised me. You can let me go now."

Slowly, his hand stopped and I released my hold, sliding down his body till my feet touched the ground--concrete and not rickety old stairs.

"Another thing to add to the to-do list."

I cracked a smile in his direction.

"Flashlight?" I asked.

He just stared at me, so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned the flashlight on.

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