Chapter 2

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I walked back to class and sat down at my seat and a couple minutes later so did kyotani. I could feel his eyes on me but I was too tired to argue with him about him looking at me. As class began I felt awfully tired and fell back to sleep on my desk.
"Hey princess~ Why dont you give me a kiss. Oh dont look at me like that, ill do something for you too"

Am I dreaming what the fuck. The more the person talked the more I felt familiar with the voice.

"Hey wake up" I heard the gruff voice say to me. Shaking my shoulder a bit
"Leave me alone daddy" I said back and before I realized it, I opened my eyes and say kyotani looking at me with a bright red face.
"OMG I didnt mean that uh...."
'Fuck its awkward now I cant believe i called him that, I didnt mean it but dome part of me did and uggh'
"Tsk whatever just be glad no one was here to hear that, its lunch anyways so go eat" He growled and walked away still a hint of red blush

Did he like that I called him that??

Kyotani POV

What the fuck did she call me, I'm aware that she didn't mean it towards me but why am I feeling this way. Once she said that I wanted to pin her to the desk and have her say that over and ove-, I was cut off from my thoughts to hear oikawa fanclub being obnoxiously loud.
"Mad dog chan~"
He has such an annoying voice like damn shut up.
"What" I snapped at him
"So mean, do you know were y/n chan~ is? I want her to eat lunch with us because I know she won't make friends"
Hearing her name made me flustered again and thought about what she said
"N-no I don't she might be in the classroom still" I said staring in the opposite direction to hid my obvious red face. Also did I fucking stutter what is going on with me. I'm not going to lie I'm a but upset I won't see her for last period but then id give me time to forget what happened.
"Okay thanks Mad dog chan~"
"Whatever move shittykawa" I shoved his arm a bit walking past him. I can forget that happened, I rather go to the gym and practice my serves god knows I need to. Ill hit her if im out of control like this morning...Wait am I being considerate of someone elses care what is going on.


Why did I say that I didn't mean it I think but Im very sure thats who I was dreaming about. He did have pretty eyes though they were a light brown almost yellow reminds me of honey. Wait a fucking second am I falling for a guy I don't even know. How disgusting. I angrily shoved my books into my bad and went off to find a spot away from everyone else until...
Oh of course he had to find me
"What is it shittykawa, I rather not eat with anyone today"
"Come on Y/n chan~ You can eat with the boys table"
"Hm...Yeah ill pass" I put the strap on my shoulder before he grabbed me and looked at me with a sad look, made me want to punch him.
"What is it I rath-"
"Ill buy you dinner for uh a-a week" He stuttered
"Oh~ why didn't you say so lovely brother" I said with a fake smile as I walked in front of him.

Time skip? to the table

As I was approaching the table I noticed he was there and why did I feel less tense seeing him its very strange. Of course I had to take the seat in front of him because the world hates me. I just want to leave this shit hole.

I hope he forgot what I said earlier

"How are you liking the school y/n" asked the curly haired boy
"Its shitty next question" after I responded Oikawa kicked my foot because I was being mean but thats just how I am.
"Dont kick me Oinkawa!"
The table began to laugh at his sudden nickname
"Waaa y/n chan~ your so mean to meee" He bitched as everyone teased. I did earn a nice one from Iwaizumi. I couldnt help but notice Kyotani wasnt looking at me or anyone...At all.....god its most likely what I said earlier today. I feel stupid for saying that.

Kyotani POV

"Hey mad dog why dont you eat lunch with us today, were going to discuss about training camp" Matsuzaka said. "And before you get all pissy your going to go with us because we kind of need to plan out what were gonna do against all the teams"
"Fine, better not be a waste of time" I grumbled as I walked with them to the table. After a couple minutes more started to show up and then I saw y/n walking up to the table...why did she have to sit right in front of me. I didn't want to stare at her because if I did all the lewd thoughts I had were going to swell back into my head. Im just going to pretend shes not there and eat quietly until im talked too.

"Hey y/n does the pretty little girl have a phone number~?" I heared Matsuzaka say. Why do I feel so mad so jealous was it because I wanted to ask her that or-
"I do but I dont give it to snotty brats like you~" she said with a smirk. I felt a ease that she said no but that look on her face was doing something.

Id want her to look at me like that just so I can fuck that look right off from her face. God I want to bite her and kiss her shes probably a really good kisser.

What am I even thinking god this is going to make me act up. She looked up at me with a smug smile.

Stop looking at me like that I wont hesitate

"Im going to get a drink, do you want something idiots" Everyone seemed a little surprised of her kindness well somewhat kindness. They all shook their heads. She shrugged and walked away.
"I need to use the restroom" I said before going off in the same direction. They all gave me weird looks before I gave a pissed off glare back and they continued to eat. I went off to the nearest vending machine to see her getting a drink, Im going to ask her whats her problem and why shes messing with me because its irritating.


Kyotani looked awful strange, maybe he has a fever...Ack why do I care. Since Im already here i should get him a water, I might be a bitch but he looked like he was going to passout. I started to walk back till someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"What the fuck is your problem princess"

Ackkk this one was sum but the next one will be very spicy🥵 just a bit of a heads up

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