Chapter 6

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Y/n POV~

As we all started to walk into the school before going to our designated rooms i couldnt help but wonder how Kyo was. I wanted to cuddle with him he smells so nice I thought while walking in with the other managers following behind. I met Yachi and Kiyoko from Karasuno, Kaori and Yukie from Fukurodani. They seemed to be the only managers here for their schools 2 other schools didn't have one.
"So how is it at Aoba Johsai Oikawa-san?" Yukie asked me
"O-oh its okay um can you also call me y/n to not stir confusion with my brother"
"Of course but i think were all going to head to bed now you should too" They all said and with that said goodnights too each other

Time skip brought to you by bokutos HEY HEY HEY!

I woke at 5am exactly and couldnt sleep well but since I cant sleep i mine as well just go make something or coffee. I got up and realized how it was quiet as shit its but realized I get dibs on the kitchen...
I should make myself some breakfast. I started the coffee maker and it started brewing while i waited i found a lot of food in the cabinets and fridge. I guess that would make sense because Im pretty sure the managers are cooking, I should wake them up itd be perfect to start cooking so they can wake up and eat but id feel bad....I saw their teams must be tiring. I guess i could make some waffles amd pancakes hmm but idk if thats considered healthy but id boost everyones mood.
"Um..Are you okay?" I heard a voice call from the bar table
"Yeah im fine why wouldnt I be" I said in a cold tone
"Well if you consider staring into the fridge fine you are okay"
I looked over to the table and saw a boy with a horrendous bed head
"Are you gonna brush your hair it looks fuckimg horrible"
"Damn arent you sweet maybe you should fix that attitude and ill fix my hair"
I scoffed at him and looked next to me. "Pancakes or waffles...."
"Excuse me?"
"Pancakes or waffles I asked you idiot, what are your ears clogged by your own stupidity" I snapped and he looked at me with a smirk on his face
"Damn your kinda hot"
"Id never date you answer my damn question"
"Waffles, you got a boyfriend?"
"My life is none of your business" I said as I grabbed all the ingredients to make waffles and looked for a waffle was on a high shelf ima have to ask the idiot to help me great..
"Can you get that for me..." I pointed at the waffle maker
"Idk it would cost you something"
"What do you want" I growled
"Your phone number and relationship status, names Kuroo Tetsurou by the way what about you hottie"
"ugh, my names Oikawa y/n and no i dont have a boyfriend can you just get the damn making so i can make breakfast"
Hes annoying but he is kinda attractive..
"Okay a deals a deal" he got up and walked around to help me get the maker
"Thanks, do you want coffee or tea?" I asked nicely which shocked him a bit
"Woah you can actually be nice?? Ill have some tea please if it isnt a bother"
I picked up the kettle and pours hot water in after I placed a tea bag in and handed it to him. I returned to the making all the batter for the waffles it was a recipe that Oikawa loved a lot so I guess it wouldnt be to hard to make a lot.
"How is a pretty thing related to that thing?" He said as he started sipping his tea
I chucked a bit and had a slight smile at his choice of words. " please call me y/n so i don't get confused with the thing" I said looking up at him before going back to mixing. I ended up making around 30 waffles my arms felt like they were gonna fall off.
"Do you need help?" Kuroo asked
"Um...yeah actually can you just mix this batter it should make around 30 more waffles while I make your dish. We have strawberries, blue berries, grapes or bananas. Would you like them all with your waffles?"
"Hmmm Strawberries and bananas please and can I have 2 waffles?" he asked as he started mixing the batter
"of course" I went to to the waffles i kept under a metal bowl to keep them warm and fluffy still. I started chopping the strawberries and I couldnt help but cut them into hearts
"Those are really cute~" he leaned into my ear
"Kuroo! You scared me I could've stabbed you...dont do that"
"what are you flustered, y/n your such a perv~" he teased
"shut up and sit down so you can eat and i can go wake up the others"
"okayy y/n chan~" he walked over and sat down and began to eat them. He looked a bit shocked
"Are they bad? Im sorr-"
"THESE ARE FUCKING BOMB!" Kuroo practically screamed
After I washed my hands I walked to go wake up everyone who were up but decided not to get up. I was a bit nicer to the other schools who still look startled about my tone until I got to Aoba Johsai...
These mfs are still asleep, I walked in and began to kick all of them and told them to get up before i kick them again. They didn't hesitate and started fumbling trying to leave the room. The tables began to fill up with Kuroo now sitting with his team which was only natural.
"HEY HEY HEY! I SMELL WAFFLES!" a loud boy with spiked up hair...reminds me of a horned owl hes kinda cute wait what the fuck no. Instead of going around i cut all the fruits and put them in bowls so they can serve themselves because I'm not a fucking servant. I came around with waffles on plates and set them in the middle of the table along with the fruits in cute shapes. I went to all the tables and also asked what they wanted to drink by this time the managers and teacher came in and suprised of how much ive done by myself.
"Oh goodmorning~" I said with a small smile only to get a series of 'awws' from all the teams so I gave them a glare and they went to serving themselves.
"y/n you did this alone why dont you take the day off today we wont pressure you into do managing but you can watch?" the coach said to me
"Sounds like a plan, let me just cut the rest of the fruits for you all, the managers started to help stacking waffles on a plate for them while i placed the fruits around them. I took off the apron I was wearing and washed my hands.
"I think Im going to head to the showers, im beat" I said and all the coaches nodded  and allowed me to leave. I walked down the hall and without paying attention bumped into a boy with red spiked hair
"hey watch it" i growled
"hey your the one who made those amazing waffles aren't you, do you have more and also the fruits are so cute wouldnt expect less since your cute yourself. Tendou Satori at your service" He says with a smile and offers to pull me back to my feet.
"thanks...can I go take a shower now...please" I said trying not to be irritated
"If you tell me your name then you will pass and could i get your number"

Oh shit i never gave the rooster my phone number but why did another boy have to asked

"Im Oikawa y/n call me y/n please and uh do you have a pen?" I thought its just easier to give it so I can leave
"Uhhh oh here" He hands me a pen and i snatch his hand pulling him to my height as i wrote it down
"Yay you can now send me that recipe so I can make them"

Oh that's what he wanted it for

"Yeah for sure" I walked past him to my room grabbing some clothes and walking into the showers

Finally piece and quiet....I wonder how Kyos doing I didnt see him at breakfast he probably didnt wake up...I hope hes okay. Ill make sure to make him some waffles
lowkey this was bad idk where i was going with it but i did want to have the boys introduced bc jealous Kyotani 🥵

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