Chapter 18

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Y/n POV~

After Kentaro leaving my room a part of me wanted him to stay, i really need a hug. I layed in bed for what seemed to be an hour and heard Lucifer scratching and whining at the door. I got up and let him in and climbed back into the warmth of my bed, Lucifer jumped onto the bed and layed next to me putting his head on my stomach telling me to pet him. I felt more at ease and I enjoyed the silence but then I remembered about Oikawa.

Knock knock knock

"Y/n? I went to the convenience store and got you some of your favorite snacks amd un do you want to watch a movie? If your arent feeling okay yet thats fine ill leave you be but I just want to know if your okay.." I heard Oikawa say from the other side of the door
"You can come in dummy and yes we can watch a movie"
He opened the door and peered into my dim lighted room with the only lights coming from the window blinds that were half shut. I scooted over so he can sit on my bed while i turned my tv on. As Oikawa came closer to the bed Lucifer ended up growling at him which resulted in him shrieking.
"Lucifer stop it" i lightly tapped his nose and chuckled a bit that he was that frightened by him. Lucifer got up and layed on the rug in the middle of the room.
"Want to watch Spirited away?"
"Do I! YES!" Oikawa shouted

Time skip to the end of the movie》

"That was a good sibling bonding" Oikawa got up and stretched lookimg at the time on my clock. "Oh damn its already 12:25 Am?!?! We better get to sleep we have school still and morning practices. Goodnight Y/n~"
"Wait! T-thank you Toorū it means the world to me that you care" I said right before he closed the door
"Anything for my little sister, Goodnight"
"Goodnight big bro" He gently closed the door and I layed on my bed feeling my eyes become heavy.


I basically slammed the alarm clock and lazily walked to the bathroom with my uniform in hand. I turned the shower on and relaxed a bit while the water woke me up. I got out and got dressed leaving my hair down for the day. My hair was naturally wavy and looked silky to the touch, I looked at myself in the mirror deciding on this as the final look. I realized my earring holes were going tk close up though so I should put them in but everyone besides Iwaizumi didnt know you wore a large amount of punk earrings. You kept your industrial in but it was less likely to see than the rest. You picked out some cute earrings to put in which was a small hoops with mushroom studs. And even Iwaizumi didnt know this you had a nose piercing specifically a septum but you could flip it inside so no one can see at school.
You got out of the bathroom and walked down stairs and saw Oikawa already ready packing up all of his stuff in a rush which startled me a bit.
"Were going to be late and I have the keys to the club room and you have the gym, come on!"
I ran and put my shoes on grabbing my bag that was right by the door and ran with Oikawa to the school being slightly late.
"SORRY WERE LATEE!!" I yelled at the group of boys in front of the gym with a sour look on their face. I unlocked the door to the gym and started helping set up but I couldn't help but notice that everyone was giving me a strange look.
"Y/n when did you get a nose piercing!" Iwaizumi ran up to me and looked like he was going to scolded me.

Shit must've cane out when we were running over here....shit....

"It suites you in all honesty y/n" Iwaizumi said bluntly
"Yeah it looks super hot!" Mattsun and Makki said in unison which resulted in Iwaizumi hitting them both
"Does it hurt?" Kunimi and Yahaba asked scared that id be in pain.
"No it doesnt. Look I can flip it inside so you cant see why none of you have seen it besides Oikawa and my ears are pierced too see?" I flipped the horseshoe up which startled them a bit and showed them my pierced out ears but instead of the usual stuff I wore it was cute little earrings. I noticed Kentaro still hasn't came to practice and I was hoping Id get to see his dumbass.

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