Chapter 17

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Slight mention of abuse⚠️

Kentaro POV~

"Um y/n can you get off me so I can like uh...leave....." I said slightly terrified of Iwaizumi at that moment. She sighed and sat next to me placing her feet on the coffee table in front of us.
"HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN HAPPENING!!" Oikawa screamed at the top of his lungs which im sure the neighbors could hear
"I have to agree with Shittykawa on this one, Y/n what the fuck are you doing! You two were supposed to be at practice and here you are fucking around!" Iwaizumi said with a menacing glare
"Tsk, you act like we were fucking and I have my reasons as to why hes here so dont give me shit please" Y/n seemed irritated and I felt i was the cause of it
"Why is he hear then"
"Im going to bed, i suggest you all to leave me alone" She stomped up the stairs and slammed the door really loud
"I think I should take my leave" I wanted to leave that awkward situation but I felt bad because I dont want her to be upset than she already was
"No no no. Your going to tell us what happened so sit down Kyotani" I sighed not wanting to argue with Iwaizumi.
I looked over to Oikawa who had an.... angry?.....annoyed... i couldnt tell really but ive never seen him like that
"Did you make her cry Kyotani"
Oikawa has never called me by my first name before so he was above pissed off
"No i didnt, some girls afterschool came up to her afterschool to talk about how they were jealous of her and Mattsun but then they said something about this Terushima guy and she was crying but not balling out like smiled and cried till breaking down, I didnt like it makes me really angry if someone did something to her. If you couldnt tell I really care about her, I was actually just going to take her home but she wanted me to stay so here we are and yes we do have feelings for each other were just not together its somewhat complicated..."
"Oh its him" both Iwaizumi and Oikawa said in unison
"What did he do to her" i could feel the anger in my words spill
"He was an abusive boyfriend"
Immediately I stood up and ran up the stairs without hesitation leaving Oikawa and Iwaizumi in shock of my action. After many failed attempts I finally found her in her room laying on her bed facing the wall.
"What" he words were sharp and obviously hurt
"What did that bastard do to you so i can kill that mother fucker"
"So they told you about him, how lovely" she still wasnt facing me
"Just tell me wha-"
"Ken this isnt your battle please drop it, im not comfortable with it....ill talk to you when I can you know" she cut me off but finally got up and in the dark room all I saw was red puffy  (e/c) eyes.
"I will always be here you know"
"I know that Kentaro and im grateful but that subject is very....uncomfortable for me to talk about and I get upset, seems unnatural of me but yeah... You should head home now its late, Im sorry im not strong enough....." she lightly smiled and I nodded not wanting to pressure her into telling me. I gave her kiss on the forehead and and hug and took my leave closing the door softly. I walked downstairs and saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi still there now sitting wondering how im still alive.
"Im going to leave now" I bluntly stated and grabbed my bag before I pet Lucifer on the head and slipped my shoes back on
"Im going with you" Iwaizumi said and I just shrugged
"Um im going to the convenience store to get some snacks so she can feel better" Oikawa said as he slipped his shoes back on.
We walked in silence till Oikawa said he was making a turn at the end of the block and waved at us goodbye and see him tomorrow. Silence filled the air again but I was still pissed that someone hurt her to the point she can have a broken smile and salty tears.
"Do you want to know what happened?" Iwaizumi bluntly said still looking ahead
"No. I want to hear it from her exactly"
"hmm okay good luck with that and you two can date just dont do anything stupid to her or ill personally kill it" He shot a glare at me
I sighed and chuckled a bit, "I rather you kill me, your worthy of that power and I wouldnt do anything to harm her in anyway"
Iwaizumi chuckled at my statement then said he had to turn on the upcoming block and waved goodbye to me saying he'll see me tomorrow and my ass better be there. I walked a but farther till I came up to my house, i walked up to the door and opened the door.
"Oh Hi Kentaro-kun! Welcome home~"
I looked and saw my mother pop out of the kitchen to greet me with a smile. I hummed in response and lightly smiled at her then proceeded to go to my room and start some work.
About 30 minutes of work ive done and ive only gotten so far, I felt to tired and pissed to do my work. Mime as well not do it in all honesty but then ill get kicked out and wont see y/n. Maybe I should try.
"Oi Dumbass! Dinners ready!" I turned in my chair and saw my younger sister 'Yuri'.
"Dont call me a dumbass, dumbass"
"Someones in a mood~" I scoffed and walked down stairs trying not to be in mood to upset my mother.
We began eating and as always things arent the normal, our father left us when were were little and I shouldnt care but I do sometimes.
"Kentaro I saw you missed your last class that isnt good" My mom said to me in her calm tone
"Yeahh or their going to kick a dumbass lime you out ~" Yuri teased
"Yuri! Dont call people dumbasses" My mother scolded her for it till she apologized but she didnt mean it. She loved to tick me off.
"But seriously honey you need to get it together okay~" she chirped in a happy tone. I sighed and nodded and continued to eat in silence
"Have you met a girl yet Kentaro~" I nearly choked on those words which resulted in Yuri laughing at me."Oh so you have, whats her name or he we dont make assumptions here dear~"
"I dont like anyone mom"
"Yeah you do~ I bet its that Yahaba you say is annoying~" Yuri teased
"What hell no!"
"Then its a girl? Whats her name? I bet you scare her because you have that pissed off look on your face all the time like your about to start arson"
"Her names Oikawa y/n now can you like i dont know.... Shut up Yuri!" I growled at her
"Oh Toruu has a little sister?" My mother asked
"Is she pretty, she must be if shes related to Oikawa senpai" Yuri has a but of a crush on Oikawa and its disgusting
"Yeah shes really pretty....." I said with out realizing
"Awwww you actually said something nice Kentaro, You should invite her over for dinner sometime~"
"Can Toruu senpai comeeee" Yuri whinned
"No." I got up and said thank you and walked back upstairs to my room. I started up on the work I was doing and thought about what that guy did to y/n.

I didnt know what he looked like at all but he was the captain of Johzenji so it wont be that hard right?

After searching for some source if information, I thought about people who might follow him....kuroo.... I looked up Kuroos username and looked through his followers till i came across it. I clicked on it and saw a biy with an undercut with bleached hair on top, with a tongue piercing

Huh so this is him....its on sight mf
So another chapter doneeee and yeah
and i also started an art account so i feel confident if yall want to follow it dm me
im a be doing haikyuu art mostly <3

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