Chapter 4

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The bell rang signaling that school was over but my first day to school wasn't normal obviously. I started to put all my books into my bad and avoided all my brothers annoying fan club asking me stupid fucking questions. Damn I was gonna see Kyotani right now it wont be awkward right, hopefully not...

I think I like him, I dont despise him existence like everyone else but hmm im very unsure

"Y/n" I heard a gruff voice call out to me as I was walking to the gym
"Oh h-Hi Kyotani, nice day were having right haha....."

What the fuck did I just say, god im acting strange im never like this NEVER

"Its a less shitty day...I think because of our adventure we had in the classroom" He said quiet enough for me to hear
"Shut it, someone will hear you baka" I said with a glare
" Dont look at me like that or you'll get it at practice"
"Oh shut it, you need to practice for training camp anyways so you can kick all the loser asses there. And what are you gonna do with those" I said and pointed to his neck
"Show them off obviously"
"Wha- WHY. BAKA!" i hit his arm and snickered a bit
"Ack.. I won't say who it is but you know obviously, I did get teased a lot in class though you should make it up to me~" he said with a smirk
"Drop dead"
As we started nearing the entrance of the gym my brother pulled me away from Kyotani and i shoved him off to asked the fuck his problem was.
"How did you do it?" your brother said and Iwaizumi jumped in on that comment.
"Do what exactly assholes" I growled
"Mad dog chan~ He looks less pissy than usual maybe he'll care more about my feelings" Oikawa said
"Mmmm no I dont think he will" Me and Iwaizumi said in unison
"Whhaaa. You guys are so mean to meeee!" He fake cried
"Oh shut up already or ill make you cry" I said holding my fist to his face
"Yes the face y/n, do it do it now" Iwaizumi said.
I pulled my arm away and asked where the forms were to sign up for the manager position. They looked suprised as to I wasn't being forced to or anything but they were excited that I'd become one.

Maybe it wont be so bad, I could give tips to them if they do something stupid or wrong....maybe help ill try to be nice

"Earth to y/n chan!" I heard my brother day to me
"What do you want, you have that look on your face you want something. And if its to tell Iwaizumi to stop you already know my answer"
" Can you be in our 4 on 4 today pleaseeee" he pleaded
"No. Leave me alone"
"Why not, come on im gonna leave and ill never be able to play with you" he grabbed me and started dragging me to the court.
"ACK, Get off me! I havent played in 2 years Oinkawa! Let go!" I said getting out of his grip
" Please, y/n chan thats all im asking"
"You asked me for like a million things today. Why is this any different"
"Please Please please please please please plea-"
"FINE SHUT THE FUCK UP. GIVE ME SHORTS AND A JERSEY!" He kind of just stood there when I snapped. Today please before I go home"
He got up and found some shoes and a change of clothes. The coach handed me a jersey and asked if it'd be okay if i wanted to. I gave him a small smile and said its okay, I trotted to the position i used to play. A wing spiker.
"Whattt y/n-chan??! Your a wing spiker how if your so sho-" I threw the ball at Yahaba face.
"Want to finish that sentence" I glared at him
"N-no, Im sorry y/n" He apologized and walked away.
"Dont take it personal Yahaba, she doesmt like when people comment on her height" Iwaizumi said to him. He nodded and focused on what was happening.
Matsuzaka served and Watari received it to Oikawa this ball is mine, He sets it and it to me and before the blockers could block it, it hit the floor with so much force and power. Like they couldn't believe a 5'1 girl could spike that aggressively and jump that high.
"That was a disgusting ball Oikawa, don't serve like that again or I won't hit it" I shot a glare at him and he nodded multiple times.
"What are you fucking looking at give me the ball, I need to serve" I growled and received the ball and walked to the line.

Kyotani POV

What the fuck was that, So much power and shes fast too. How can she hold that much power and why did she quit. I bet she could've gone to a better school than here. She also looks very hot spiking that ball but she looked so dissatisfied with it.

I watched her walk to the line and get into the position of a jump serve.
"Oh they can't be that bad" Kindaichi said.
"Yeah they can be that ba-" Matsuzaka was stopped as a volleyball flew at lighting speed past him.
We all stood in shock at how she jumped served that ball. She still looked dissatisfied with it.
"It fucking went out. Can we continue or not" she snapped.
As time passed y/n's team ended up winning with her monster spikes and serves. She was a much cooler girl than I thought, I walked to the locker room undressed and went to the showers as she did the same.
"Mad- I mean Kyotani whats that on your neck" I heard Yahaba ask me
"None of your business thats what. What I do for my free time doesnt concern you" I snapped. More players came into the locker room to see the bruises on my neck and shoulders with some bite marks.
"Since when were you a ladies man, most girls are terrified of you. What her name~" Oikawa purred.
"Fuck off already" I said and put my clothes and packed everything and walked out. I saw Y/n in her uniform assuming she didnt have any extra clothes to wear but at least she looked really good in it.
"Hey Y/n" I sternly said trying not to sound like a dick
"Hey" she gently said as she was still texting
" I thought you hated everyone" I asked obviously talking about whose she texting
"I have friends asshole, Im talking to my band we got a gig that actually pretty good. I might get new equipment like a new amp or something" she said still not looking up
"Your in a band? I thought you dont like being around lots of people, But seems your always are around a lot of people" I asked
"Yeah I dont but thats how I bonded with these idiots, anyways I need to hurry and get to the music store before it closes" she said finally looking at me

Fuck she has really pretty eyes

"I could walk with you if you like?" I asked and felt nervous for some fucking reason
"Whatt Kyo actually cares about someone, I should announce that at my show about the big news" she teased
"Want to go or not" I raised my voice a bit
"Dont get your panties in a twist lets go, OI! Matsuawhatever tell my idiot sibling im going to the music store!"
"O-oh OKAY AND ITS MATSUZAKA!!!" he yelled. She shrugged and we walked out the school to where she wanted to go.

Y/n POV~

"So why do you want to walk me, Im pretty tough you know" I huffed
"I know I just...just wanted to talk to you more thats all..." he looked away from me to the side of the road
"Cute" I said out loud
"ACK IM SORRY, I meant to say that in my head" I said a bit flustered. I felt calmer around him like I didnt want to be a bitch like I actually cared about how he felt. Gross?
"Its fine not the most embarrassing thing you said to me right" He teased
"Shut up Kyo!" I said as I furrowed my brows
"Why do you call me Kyo now, You didn't mind calling me daddy~ earlier" he said as he grabbed my waist pulling my towards him. I felt my heart stop when he said that.
"Shut up" I said joking punching his shoulder with a smile
"You look nice when your not angry at everything you know?" he said looking ahead
"Ive been told that but thats very rare so enjoy it while it lasted" I said as I looked up at him with a smile. " The shop is right here thank you for taking me, my house isnt that far from here so ill be fine okay?"
" If you insist, ill leave you alone" he took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders and leaving a kiss on my forehead before walking away.

His jacket smelt like cologne a really nice one too. Hes gonna get cold though...What an idiot, I said with a smile for once I felt happy.
excuse all the mispronounced words im kinda dumb but its happening

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