Chapter 5

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Third POV

Its been a couple weeks at Aoba Johsai, you talked to Kyotani more and more each day. He open up a lot more about his passions and goals, nothing has happened between you two since the incident. You enjoyed Kyotani's presence, you two had more in common than you thought and it made you happy that you found someone who understood you. He'd walk you home when Oikawa was off being a dumbass and would bring you pocky knowing that it was one of your favorite snacks along with (favorite snack) and strawberry milk. People would murmur a lot but you didnt guys didn't mind them, you talked for hours each day and you'd even help him on his serves and tried to get him to not be a ball hog. The team found it weird you were different you were happy....Oikawa found it strange too considering the past 2 years you were angry all the time and had a disgusting attitude. He was happy to see his little sister make a friend even if it was Kyotani, he liked to see you actually smile a little more.

Time skip brought to you by boke hinata boke~


It was the day of training camp and there was going to be a lot of different schools going to the camp and since ive been more aware of my feelings ive been nervous...I never was before but I am now but then I like feeling different feelings than anger and sadness.
"Oi y/n do you need help loading the bus" Matsuzaka yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. Ive become friends with the team over these past weeks and Im glad Im the manager. After we loaded our bags for our 2 week trip, I was kinda glad I wouldn't be a school a change of scenery too. Even though ive been nicer to the team, I still was snappish at time but especially to new people so hopefully I don't do something stupid. We sat on the and I sat at the window close to the back of the bus because thats were the snack were.
"Can I sit here" I looked up and saw Kyotani.
"of course Kyo" I moved my bag and let him sit down earning a look from your brother. I shot a glare back and he got startled and looked ahead.
About 30 minutes into the bus ride, Kyo looked like he was gonna pass out.
"Hey Kyo?, do you want to lay on my lap so you dont hurt you neck if you sleep wrong" I asked and blushed after realizing what I just said. " I mean uh fuck....Not anything back but like idk.."
"Really" I nodded. "Thank god im fucking tired" He layed his head on my lap and curled up a bit. I couldn't but help rub his short hair it was pokey but soft at the same time. I rubbed his back too, I could feel every muscle on his back and forearm. I stopped when I realized Id weird him out and stared outside.
"Can you....rub my back again?" He hesitated for a sec.
"If your okay with it, sorry..." he nodded and I began to rub circles into his back until he fell asleep then I fell asleep shortly after.

Kyotani POV

Shes rubbing circles into my feels really good, how can a girl as aggressive as her be so gentle and sweet. These past weeks ive been losing my mind and after that first time ive been tempted to do more on multiple occasions. God im getting horny right now I cant Im on the fucking bus and shes gonna see and be weirded out or make fun of me because of it...fuck dont stop. I didnt realize how close she was to me, I was laying on her thighs I wanted to play with them but Im on the bus, I wanted to kiss her im on the bus, FUCK THIS BUS MAN. Ever since the incident we told nobody about one knows but us and thats how it should be but I dont want people to hit on her either bc I want her to be mine.
I fell asleep as she rubbed my back...Is this how compassion feels because I like it, she deserves the world.
We hit a bump and I woke up and sat back up and saw she was asleep. She was wearing her school uniform still something I really liked and the bus was cold so I took off my jacket and put it over her. I saw her move a but before snuggling up on my arm, I wrapped my arm around her waist and layed my head on hers as I thought about holding her hands. Mine were huge compared to hers, her hands were rough for petite little hands.

She has really nice legs...Stop it Kentaro were not even alone and I cant do that to her asleep that wrong

She started to stir in her sleep before opening her eyes and looking up and seeing me. I tried to look away from her because my face was red. She rested her head near my ear and all I heard her say is
"Stop that were on a bus" I said sternly quiet enough for only her to hear.
"Why your hard right now" she whispered
She started to move over a bit closer to the window pulling me to closer out of view from the edge of the seat where I was sitting
"Why here why now" I said to her
"Because it'll piss you off~" she teased
"Stop or im gonna-"
"Your gonna what, spank me?"
"whAt no..I dont want to do this here, too many people princess~" I whispered to her hoping shed stop this
"hmm okay, ill stop can you hold me though, Your very warm" she said beforr nuzzling her face into my chest
I rubbed her back and we had some small talk till we stopped at the camp building.
She got up and I did the same and asked if she needed help with anything, she gave me a soft smile as she put my jacket on and zipped it up.
"Morning Y/n how did you- WHOSE JACKET IS THAT" Oikawa said in an angry tone
"Kyotani's why not like I haven't worn it before, It was cold and my jackets are in my bag shittykawa"
"Why dont you wear our jackets y/n-chan!" the team exclaimed
"hmm because kyo-chans smells nice"

Did she just say that, I smell nice? So does warm vanilla

She giggled a bit before going to the coaches and managers introducing herself. While we unloaded the bus and went to our designated rooms. Y/n obviously went with the managers hopefully she wont be mean to them but I doubt it....hopefully
"Does mad dog chan~ have a crush on my little sister" Oikawa teased
"Perhaps. Does it matter?" He gave me a glare and I glared back. He yelped and hid behind Iwaizumi-senpai.
"Im not going to do anything dont get all worried, I care about her feelings a lot and ive never felt close to someone before besides her" I said pulling a futon out.
"I like you two together, Y/n chan smiles more and looks happy than when we first met her, And she doesnt insult us all the time or yell at us" Yahaba said
"Whatever, Im going to bed" I said
"Dont you want to give a goodnight kiss to y/n~" Yahaba and Oikawa teased
"....Ill punch you in the face!" I growled
"please do Kyotani" Iwaizumi said before throwing a shoe at Oikawa

Finally I get to sleep
this chapter lowkey sucked ngl but now I must sleep

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