Chapter 7

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Okay I didnt expect people to actually vote of this story so thank you. I was gonna not continue bc i thought it was shitty but ill finish it :D Anyways toooo da story

Kyotani POV~

I woke up early and went out for a run because its better than staying awake till I have to get up. It was around 4:30am and by the time I wanted to head back was 6:30am, I started jogging my way back to the cafeteria because breakfast would be ready.
"Mad dog chan~Where were you!?" Oikawa yelled once he saw me walk into the room. It smelt sweet like....WAFFLES THESE MFS HAD WAFFLES WHAT THE FUCK I WANT SOME.
"You got to miss y/n's sweet goodmoring too us" Iwaizumi said still looked tired
"She kicked the shit out of us Iwaizumi"
"Y/n is abusive we could call cps on her" Yahaba said with a pout
"Shut up Yahaba, where is she by the way? And dont eat all the fucking waffles move" I practically throw Oikawa onto the floor and started serving myself
"Thats for not shutting up all night about your stupid little love letters" I growled
"Your just mad that y/n chan didnt kick you this morning, you probably have a hitting kin-" before he could finish that statement Iwaizumi already hit him with his shoe. I do not have a hitting kink that'd be weird why would I want to be hit...Damn these are some good waffles wonder who made them...

Time skip brought to you by Yamaguchi's laugh~

We started warming up for our first game against Nekoma, I couldnt help but notice y/n is still not here...

Is she okay? Did something happen? Oh fuck what if she was kidnapped? God im really worried

We got called by the coach to have a pep talk beforeor practice match "Y/n wont be managing today because she spent all morning making the teams breakfast so shes taking the day off which im sure shes still going to protest about it but she'll only be supervising...that is all and remember work together and give it your best" He said and told us to get to our positions but I was still spacing out fuck is she okay? Im like genuinely worried shes the one person who makes me feel comfortable...
"KYOTANI WATCH OUT!!" I hear a voice yell at me snapping me outta my thoughts and
I got hit in the face....
"FUCK" I yelled and saw my nose was bleeding. "Im fine put me in coach! I can play!"
"No go to the nurse and get fixed now!" He ordered.
I nodded not wanting to fight with him about it and started to walk to the nurses office.
"KYO!" i hear a faint voice and felt arms around my waist. "How are you arent you suppo- What happened are you okay?"
"Y/n? Wh-here were you...I thought something bad happened to you" I said glad to see she was okay
"I was here but besides the point were going to the nurses office and getting you fixed" She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the office. No one was in their....It was me and her alone....


"Theres no nurses that offered to help so its just managers or coachs. You should be glad its me because i dont know if youd let someone else try to help you" I watched her walk around the room and grabbed tissues, an ice pack and a water before walking up to me.
"Okay this is gonna sting but you need to suck it up and let me help you. Okay?"
I nodded and let her clean my nose and handed me tissues to stick up. She leaned close to my face and gently placed the ice pack on my face. It stung causing me to groan and pull back a bit
"Quit bitching and complaining and let me help you" she ordered which made me blush a bit. I let her place it back on my face and I didnt realize how close i was to her. Everytime were close is because something smutty will happen...I started to get flustered...

Y/n POV~

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck were in the same room alone together this is gonna be a repeat of the classroom. Well we could get away with it...NO NO hes injured and I need to help him get better.

Its been at least 10 minutes since we've been in the nurses office and I felt aroused but also very nervous. He was obviously very rough but I doubt hed do that with me right now....Right....I put the pack back in the freezer and felt hands on my waist causing me to jump.
"Kyo what the fuck are you doing" I growled. I felt his body shadow my own and he leaned close to my ear.
"I have a question princess~"

fuck hes doing names meaning hes horny

"What is it?" I said without a hint of attitude because I know I would get it
"How do you know when you have a kink?~" He said before pulling me to face him.
"Um... I dont know..I guess you just think its attractive or something and like you would enjoy it?" I said. I was sweating and my face was hot I could feel it
"Hit me"
"WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEA-" his hand covered my mouth because I was too loud
"That wasn't a question it was an order" He said as i looked into his honey coated eyes. He pulled his hand away giving me a chance to reply
"I..I dont want to hit you kyo because I have no reason too and that seems rough dont you think?And what made you think youd be into hitting" I asked pulling away from him a bit
"Hm..your stupid brother said something and I dont know I thought about it i guess. " And I dont think its rough too me at least it doesnt seem so" He mummbled. He looked embarrassed a bit, like I wanted to just throw him a bone and let him go off on it but Im not sure. Were at training camp, coach is probably wondering where he is too
"Are you scared to hit y/n?"


"No, I just dont want to hurt you"
"You don't hit that hard so not like it'd hurt me you hit like a bitch~"
Before I knew it i had already slapped him across the face...did he just do that to piss me off
"Fuck...that was kinda hot though you should get mad at more often its attractive~" he teased holding his cheek
"Ugh your so annoying" I growled as I started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist pulling me and pinning me to the bed
"Whats the matter princess~ not so tough now are we?"

Fuck fuck fuck why now god were so fucked if someone walks in

"Kyo if someone walks in were fucked you know that right?"
"Well then they know now to knock"
"Your an idiot! let me go!" I quietly growled hoping it didnt make him more horny than he was already
"Why should~ I that smack was all I needed to get me fired up"
He started to kiss me but a part of myself couldnt help it. I wanted him too. After a couple minutes it started to become rougher. It ended up getting really hot so we took off our shirts and continued going at it. I started to bite his shoulders and leaving marks on his chest...

*Knock Knock Knock*
If you guys actually want more, Comment that you want to continue please <3

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