Chapter 16

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Y/n POV~

I couldnt help but think that Kentaro slightly cared for me not showing up, Was that wrong of me I did like him but I want to tell him when im ready for another relationship though. Lost in my thoughts class ended up ending sooner than I was thinking and I shot back up still thinking about hoe cute ken ken is. I didnt see him as violent as everyone else sees him. Hes sweet and caring in his own unique way, I like how he can be honest and straightforward but still certain things he does are sweet. I heard someone calling out to me from behind me which snapped me out of my thoughts. I saw 3 girls standing with an annoyed looked look on their face.
"Whats your business with me?" I grumbled at them
"How can you hang out with a delinquent like Kyotani!" The taller girl spat
"Yeah hes probably paying her too be around him like a whor-" before the second girl could finish I slapped her already
"Kentaro is a way better person than you fucking bitches, unlike you he doesnt involve himself in someone elses situation. My relationship with him has nothing to do with you so Id like to say go to hell" I growled at them. I started walking away till one of them said something which stopped me in my tracks
"Your the bitch from Johzenji that went crazy on someone arent you and you dated Terushima the ace of their volleyball team arent you Rabies"
"Fuck never thought Id hear that nickname again. Yeah Im Rabies so what if I am, you obviously want something if your having this conversation with me and to my suspicion it has nothing to do with Kentaro"
They stood there quietly because of my dark aura I had began to get. I chuckled to myself and sighed, "Its about mattsun isnt it~"
"Yeah it is! Why are you close with him we saw that happened between the two of you and we dont like it!" One of the girls snapped at me
"Im a tease what can I say and i guess he got mad I was winning that teasing game so he won in the end ill admit that~. I have no relationship with him but you people are the ones who annoy me the most, you make assumptions about people who dont deserve it and if you like him so much ask him which I doubt he'll accept your toxic ass."
"You bitc-"
"And dont ever talk bad about Kentaro ever again he doesnt deserve shit from you pigs" I gave her a glare which made her shut up. Her and the 2 other girls ran in the opposite direction.

I still wondered how they knew what happened back in my first year and about Terushima. Hes probably other there calling me a whore because I wouldnt fuck his stupid ass I mean he was abusive too....

"Y/n?" I heard a gruff voice say from behind me and I turn to see who it is
"Hi Kentaro what is it" I said still clenching my fist
"Your crying...."
"Oh I guess I am haha, Im so pathetic" I fell to the ground and began sobbing like a bitch right in front of Kentaro.

Im pathetic

I should have just ended it

I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hat-

I snapped out of my thoughts and felt his arms grab me and pull me into hug which caused me to weep even more in the hallway luckily it was just me and him so no one could see me in such a weak state.
"Its okay, im here" He said in a low tone rubbing my back trying to calm me down. I gripped onto his shirt and cried even more staining his shoulder in my tears. He didnt say anything he just hummed and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. I ended up feelings a bit better and pushed his chest a bit helping myself up.
"I feel kind of better thank you Kentaro" I sniffiled a bit looking at the ground
"Can you go home so you can feel better please?" I looked up and saw for the first time he looked worried. I never saw this look from him...
"Yeah...Ill go home"
"Okay ill walk you" He stood up and pulled me to my feet and grabbed my wrist pulling me to the exit
"Wait Are-arent you going to practice"
"You are more important to me at the moment, Ive seen you in your moods but this made me mad...I dont know what made you feel this way but I hate it and if someone made you feel this way then im sure as hell going to kick their ass for you" he let go of my wrist bit still kept my close to him walking to my home
"Oikawas not going to be happy for me and your absence you know"
"So, Im here to make you feel better. I cant go back and act normal, I want to be here with you" we walking in silence for about 10 minutes till we got to a small store. I watched him walk in amd I waited for him to return on the curb. He came back and handed me pocky and strawberry milk, I smiled at his sweet gesture till we got to my house.
"I love you"
He stood there for a second and I immediately regretted what I just said to him and I looked at the ground in embarrassment. I felt his hand push my head up to look at him
"I love you too" before I could respond he kissed me but it wasnt aggressive like our first encounter. It was sweet and gentle and I liked it. I put my arms around his neck pulling him down a bit lower to my level.
"Can you stay with me for a while?" I asked with our foreheads against each others
"Anything for you princess"
I take his hand and lead him through my white picket fence to the front door.
"Oh I have a dog and hes not very fond of new people so im warning you"
"Pft like im scared of a dog" he scoffed which caused me to roll my eyes

Kentaro POV~

She opened the door and the house looked empty and sad. It was normal but the aura the house gave was lonely.
"Wheres your parents?" I asked a bit concerned that her an Oikawa live alone
"Business trip the same as usual, at this point only me and Tooru live here" she had a sad smile
"Oh Ill introduce you to my dog, COME HERE LUCIFER!"
"Lucifer huh, doesnt sound scary at all~" I teased. I saw a large black dog emerge from the darkness with yellow eyes staring at me.
"This is lucifer hes a german shepered mixed with a doberman why hes kind of big but hes obedient and sweet. Hold out your hand so he can be familiar with you" She gestured me towards the dog that looked ready to bite my head clean off. It sniffed my hand and moved its head under its head gesturing me to pet him.
"Woah he must like you, he wont even let Shittykawa pet him. You seem like a dog person mad dog~" she teased with a smile on her face. I couldnt be mad she was cute
"Do you want to watch a movie?"
"Sure I dont mind, but wont we get scolded for not going today and you know the idiot is going to be making assumptions and teasing" I said knowing well get im trouble for not showing up
"But you helped me feel better, ill make sure you dont get in trouble and here pick a movie to watch while I make popcorn and get drinks" she tossed the remote at me and walked into the kitchen leaving me and lucifer in the living room. I sat on the floor and looked for a movie to put on  while lucifer layed down across the room.
I decided on (favorite movie) because Ive been meaning to watch it for a while.
"Immmm back! Ive made popcorn and brought a couple more snacks to eat. Im going to change really really quick okay, you can start without me and just fill me in" I watched her run up the stairs and pressed play because she wont miss much.
A couple minutes went by and I saw her come down in shorts a bit TOOO SHORT for her to be prancing around in but she put a hoodie on over still didnt make it better that she wore a tank top too tight as well.

Is she trying to tease me right now because fuck...

"Kentaro why are you on the floor come join me on the couch I want to cuddlee" she made grabby hands like a child and I sighed and got up to the couch. It was about 30 minutes into the movie and I kept taking glaces at her while she ate popcorn. She eventually opened the pocky I bought her and ate it still not looking away from the screen.
"Have you ever played the pocky game Kentaro?" she beamed at me a smile
"No why?" I was a bit suspicious of what she was intending on
"So we both bite the ends and sees who makes it to the middle first. Wanna play~"
I blushed a bit because of how the game is but it was an innocent little game so no harm done. Plus if we both don't pull back we just kiss nothing is wrong with that
"Fine but dont expect me to lose~"
"Oh im sure you will~" She pulled out a stick and bit the chocolate end while I got the cookie end and we began to start eating the ends and when we were gonna meet she broke it and giggled to herself.
"BAHAHHAH, You should see how red you are"
"Your such a tease" I mumbled
"Awww are you upset now mad dog chann~ because we can play aga-"
I pulled her towards me and kissed her and moments later it became a makeout session. I pulled her onto my lap and I felt her grind against my thin school pants making me groan a bit. I could taste the hint of chocolate in her mouth still and her teasing me is making me go crazy.

We immediately stopped and looked to where the source of the yelling was.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa didnt look to happy. I heard Y/n giggle a bit laying her head on my chest.
"Whoops guess our cover has been blown Ken Ken~"
This chapter was kinda over the place sorry but soon itll hit the fan but ill make that all into oke chapter so people can just move into the next one <3

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